Answers: Vermont, and Alaska have no gun laws. You can go in buy a pistol with no id, and put the gun in you pants, and walk out the door legally.
ALL. have both State and Federal... GUN. LAWS!
Thanks, RR
All states have gun laws. It is just that the gun laws differ from state to state. It is easier to get a gun in one state than in another.
Every state has laws on it, but Texas has the fewest with Partial Gun Possession for Minors, illegal to sell to minors, and illegal to carry guns into schools.
They all do but some more leaner then others like Florida.Texas just to name a few.
texas and florida are pretty bad.
texas you get away with alot. In florida if someone threatens you, you can shoot them.or if someone breaks into your house in florid, you can like shoot them in the face. plus alot of illegal gun rings are in the south, so it is real easy to get one
There isn't a state in the Union that doesn't have SOME gun laws. Some just have fewer than others.
The state with the fewest gun laws is Vermont. You can still carry a concealed weapon there WITHOUT a permit! However, they DO restrict gun ownership if you are a felon or have a history of mental illness. You know ... COMMON SENSE gun laws.
Kalifornia (where I happen to live) is one of the worst! There may be some that are worse than Kalifornia, but I haven't lived there to know about it.
Uh, you're grammar and question leave me doubtful of your trustworthiness... why do you want to know?
What state DOESN'T have gun laws? None of the United States of America.
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