i have worked for this company for 10 years. i do my job well, am well liked and have never had any type of personality clash with managaement. In april we got a new boss. i went out on sick leave 2 days after she came to our store. i went back 8 weeks later, and since then she has been horrible. she has done everything in her power to make it miserable there for me, it is not just me she does this to but i seem to be a major target. i make good money and know i could be replaced with someone who makes 1/2 of what i do, fortunately we have a union and firing or demoting me are not options she can use. I have to stay until I find another job with insurance, since my husband is self employed i must carry the insurance. so how do i handle it with her, to keep my job, keep her off me daily and exist there until she leaves. the only good part of this company is that the managers get transferred out about every 1 or 2 years, but i dont know if i can stay that long and continue to be sane.
I get the impression that you feel the need to explain all your reasons for working. Well you don't need to, after all everyone is entitled to enjoy their workplace.
If your boss knows all these reasons also, then I'm afraid you are an easy target for being bullied in the workplace.
Have a bounce in your step when you go to work, as bullies know who they can push around.Only interact with her on a work basis, and cultivate some confidence.
Incidently, a union will not fight your battles, they only get the parties to negotiate. Do you want that ? I don't think so.
You say you do your job well, maybe she is envious, or not getting any sexual relief(Ha Ha) Anyway, when you stand up to the bully, let us know on this site how you went.
What are the labor codes where you live ?
Is it a human rights issue?
Just mind your business, keep your mouth closed, and do your job. I know it sounds simple, sometimes the boss will still continue to harass you. Had the same problem. Worked at this place for 13 years with no problem. A new boss came in, he was very insecure about himself and his abilities. I was getting good comments from people so guess what? All of a sudden after 13 years I was a bad employee. He tried to get me fired, unfortunately for him I had some dirt on him and used it. I ended up getting a year's plus pay from the company. In exchange I resigned and promised not to sue them. That was 8 months ago and I have yet to go back working. Am starting my very own business!!
Very often when a person tries to make another person miserable it may be that there are different motives rather than just trying to make the person uncomfortable. One reason could be that you may resemble someone she really dislikes and she isn't even aware of it. Second, while you were out of work she may have heard what a great employee you are. If she is frightened that she may fail at her job it might just be enough for her to direct her fear towards you. It isn't easy to be nice to someone who deliberately makes life difficult for you but, try to act like a good employee should. If she can't find something or needs a particular file just find it and say something like "I remember when I started her it was all so confusing, if you need any help just let me know and I'll try to direct you to it.
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