
Saturday, October 24, 2009

What part of Illegal does Mayor John DeStefano not understand?
Is this new ID card program not aiding and abedding criminals?
It is aiding and abetting criminals. When news gets out New Haven will be the illegal immigrant capital of the US. Then they will want federal dollars to help support their program.
Lets hope ICE is there, taking names right after they get their card! They aren't supposed to be working since they are illegal... heck they aren't even supposed to be here.
But after more illegals move there, they will get the "benefit" of having their hospitals flooded with unpaid bills. Their Moving Vehicle Violations will rise, insurance rates will skyrocket. Hope the taxpayers enjoy having a Mayor who welcomes all these "benefits" for his Constituents.
Personally, I hope that ICE subpoenas the records and applications, and then hauls off every illegal back to wherever they snuck in from. Despite what LegalNinja says, most conservatives don't want to keep track of illegals, we want to send them home.

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