
Saturday, October 31, 2009

What should i remember while filing a patent?

I am making a patent application which requires full detail of the thing to be patented.
Now i'm an 18 yr old...i just know how to file a patent...nothing else...any thing i should keep in mind while making the application?
follow the instructions on your packet...our government is trying to pass a law that will nulify your efforts anyway..the patent office (if the law passes) will disclose your information in 18 months whether or not your patent has been granted.
It wll be open to the the world if the law passes
Make sure you spell your name right. I've heard this is very important.
Do NOT divulge ANYTHING about your patent until you have filed it, and document EVERYTHING. From the time you first thought of the idea, to every step in between then and now. LOTS of patents are later overturned because someone else 'thought' of it first, and documented that fact. They have the same design but 'thought' and worked on it before you, yours will be overturned and them granted the Patent.
If it's a moving or mechanical product, you must have a drawing with every individual part numbered and it's relationship to other parts. Drawings are required in any case.
All that to be described in written form with references to the part numbers, and it's uses.
You must have researched for any like or similar product patents. If an existing patent can be slight;y modified to serve the same purpose, it may not be issued on your design.
Any similar patents ID numbers, should be revealed and an explanation why yours is different.
Bear in mind that obtaining a patent in US only, does not protect you in any other country. Other countries can produce the product, but could not market it in the US.
To patent a product in foreign countries is almost cost prohibitive for the average person.
It may take 2-3 years to obtain a patent, as they must also research any duplications and are slow. USPO charges an additional fee to process sooner.
You can research patents on line, but all may not be there if recently patented. The process is somewhat difficult and time consuming. Patent Attorneys charge up to $7,000.00 to do this.
take your id

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