
Saturday, October 31, 2009

What should i have done?

Man was kicked to death by 2 x15 yr/16 yr olds last week in england. He objected to them damaging his car. Reminded me what happened to me 10 yrs ago. Walking from visitng mother @12 noon, accosted by 8 youths wanting my flying jacket. Sufferd concussion, broken nose, 8 stitches cut lip. One of attacker got 2 broken ribs.. Me still on feet by time ambulance/police came... I called. Could not indentify any of attackers, they went free. Im 2nd Dan karate instructor, run own club, 60 this year. Knowledge kept me alive. Last year, wife woke me up, someone was in house at 4 am. Went downstairs dressed pygama btms (not pretty sight), burglar getting in our car with laptop/valuables. Car didnt start first time, by time it did start, I was sat at side of him beating him. he stopped car, tried to escape. I kncked him out b4 he cud, went to see wife was ok and ring police. when got back he had gone with no valuables.Should i have killed him? and why not? I cud have, easily?
Far as I am concerned you did what you could, and that is all that can be expected of a man under such circumstances. You didn't do anything dishonorable, and you protected your property without going to extremes. When I grow up I want to be like you, any 60 year old who fights with burglars is one tough old man. It was a nice touch to spare the thief's life, robbery isn't a capitol offense and you did right not killing him. I caught a couple thieves ripping off my house one time and carved them up with a kitchen knife while beating the crap out of them, but I was young and in shape. I didn't kill them, it wouldn't have been just, and you chose wisely in showing mercy to your burgler. Taking a life is a serious choice, and you had better be justified in doing so or you could face legal and moral ramifications. You did just what you should have done, and the world needs more 60 year olds like you in it.
kill someone for -things-?
I will always always recommend to everyone to have a tear gas can!
kill someone?
would you really?
could you live with that?
I know I couldn't (unless it was done while protecting a life)
The law ( and I don't agree with this ) states that you can use 'reasonable' force to defend yourself and your property, although it is difficult to judge what is 'reasonable' in the heat of the moment. Personally I think you should have strung the little sh*t up by the nuts and bled him to death slowly. However under the circumstances I gather he wasn't armed, you would have ended up in the sh*t as it would be considered that your training should have allowed you to control the situation without killing him. Who says an Englishmans home is his castle?
yes because he will only do it again
No you should not have killed him, U would have been banged up inside now and the wife would be on her own wouldnt she.
I wouldnt have even intervened unless mine or the families life was at risk, you stand to lose to much, let them have the valubles, at least youve still got your life, the wife still has a hubby and the kids still have a dad.
absolutely not! You did the right thing. If you ahd killed him you would regret that alot worse than not killing him. Whoever he was it was someone's son/brother. Maybe it was a kid that had a bad life/bad parents and now he's straightened up (let's hope) . And besides, killing him wouldn't stop all of these other thugs from attacking/robbing other people. You did the right thing.
By the way, good job on breaking the ribs of the fly jacket attackers! Kick ***!!
Why?..For what reason?.dignity?...pride? what would you, your wife and your family have gained from it if you had of killed him? You inside, your family ruined, he still out on the street probably do the same thing over and over again whilst your sat in your cell watching life pass you by.
Your the only one with the answer to it m8
You can't use deadly force simply to save your property. Only if he were attacking *you* would deadly force have been justified.
I bet karate wisdom worked again and you didn't kill him and that was the right thing to do. you are not the only one to have issues like that. You were lucky to be a Karate instructor and I am glad for you.
No, not moral to kill someone for stealing things. If he had broken in and you did not know his intent or you knew he intended harm to you or your wife, would be a different matter.

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