
Saturday, October 31, 2009

What to do if someone is choking?

I watched an american program lately called 'what should you do?' and there was a scenario of someone choking and it advised that you should not slap them on the back as this can cause the item to become further lodged and that you should just do the (don't know how to spell it) hi-men ik remover straight away. This isin't how I was taught first aid, is this true?
Encourage the casualty to cough to remove the object, if no success bend them over and give up to 5 sharp back slaps between the shoulder blades with the heel of your hand. If the casualty is still chocking give up to 5 abdominal thrusts from behind. Repeat the process until the object comes out, you get it out, or until professional help arrives.
Heimlich Maneuver for the WIN. =OOO
its always good to try the hymen remover.
my grandma must have taught you first aid. The slap to the back hasn't been used in years
Call 991
The Heimlich maneuver is the prefered method of clearing an obstructed airway.
The new version of first aid calls for 5 blows to the back then the Heimlich This is a new change so everyone will tell you no don't do that because that's how it was taught for years
They do use slapping on the back today, but you are suppose to bend the person choking over and then hit them. But most people use the Heimlich Maneuver.
First of all its called the heimlich manuver second of all slapping a person on the back will most likely make the object get even more stuck so dont do that.
So if you do come a across a person choking you should never do anything at first. If they can cough just tell them to keep coughing. the might get the object out by them self. if their not able to make and sounds at all. then you need to perform he heimlich manuver. if that doesnt work then youll have to cpr. hope this never happens but good luck any way!!
Depends on who it is...if it is a liberal.I laugh and tell them to ask their terrorist friends to help. only slap them on the back if their airway is clogged...and only do the Heimlich maneuver if clogged as well.if they have air exchange you DO NOTHING but call for medical help...
Heimlich manoeuvre.
encourage the person to cough. this can remove the object in case of partial blockage.
if the person is incapable of coughing (full bockage), give abdominal thrusts until the object is removed (chest thrusts for obese person/ pregnant women).
for more info, check out:
It is called the Heimlich Maneuver. You don't do back blows for adults only children. If they are choking you would stand behind the conscious adult, wrapping your arms around his or her waist. With one hand, make a fist. Place the thumb side of the fist against the victim's abdomen just above the bellybutton and perform abdominal thrusts.
give em the old Heimlich manoeuvre! it worked in Mrs Doubtfire! lol
first answer was right. i had to use it to save my child. there is two kinds. one for children a swift blow to the back but you hand the child sorta upside down,,,,, and the hands around the tummy routine. go learn more at knowing it save my daughters life as a baby she is now in her 20's//
Whoever taught you first aid, must not have recently been taught themselves how it is done.
It is possible that your teachers learned their trade 50-100 years ago, then never got updated to the latest medical solutions. If so, that is an extremely serious and dangerous problem with your educcational system.
Medical people are required to get themselves recertified on a regular basis, so they know about new treatments, new medicines, etc. For someone to be teaching first aid based on the know how of 50-75 years ago, that is serious negligence ... you need to report that to the medical authorities of your nation.
Here are some links to details about the Heimlich Maneuver;_ylt=a0ge...
1- call 911 ; give quick details, leave phone on.
2- Heimlich maneuver .
3- CPR if needed.
No training ? pray.
[get red cross training .]
If they are small children you can pick them up by their ankles and hold them up side down can sometimes help as well.
When I received a CPR certification about 10 years ago, I was told that (assuming the choking victim is standing) you should first bend him over and THEN give a few slaps to the back. By having him in the bent-over position, you don't have to worry about the food becoming lodged further down the windpipe. Then you try the heimlich manuever if that doesn't work. Although once when I was a kid, a guy was choking in a restaurant and a friend of his saved him by simply punching him hard in the stomach and the piece of food flew right out his mouth and across the room. He then vomited afterwards so maybe that wasn't the best technique, but I'm sure he didn't complain.
the heimlich maneuver is the best way as it forces air out and (hopefully) expels the object, slap on the shoulder does not do this. My training was by first aid instructors in military

What to do if a stalker is powerful, has legal and possible political influence?

Is there an option for poor defenceless, helpless women if a stalker has powerful legal and possible political infuence ?
What can one do in such a situation? Going to the police does not work because there is no substantial hard evidence.
Get some hard evidence.
Record phone calls - they can't be used as evidence against the stalker in court, but they most certainly can be used to convince the cops that there is truly an issue with stalking.
I would also contact the public defender's office. They are going to have connections to lawyers that will reduce their fees or do work pro bono, and they will be able to aid in some legal advice. If they can't direct you to a law firm, they will get you in touch with an agency in your area that can do something for you.
Move. Or marry someone more powerful.
The biggest problem is, as you say, hard evidence. Police are reluctant to press charges that cannot be proven. In a case where the "criminal" may have connections, they will be even more careful. Get witnesses, pictures and any other reliable material that law enforcement can use.
The solution is edgy, but it works if you know who the stalker is.
You stalk him back. You have someone you know return the favor. And if he's an attorney, you file a complaint with the State bar (not the county bar, where his influence will stop the investigation).
Or you buy a shotgun and keep it handy. That is a surefire way to end the stalking. Let him into the house and blow his *** to kingdom come.
one stalker in my life
changed and deleted all e mails and changed all phone numbers and it stopped
Doesn't the bible say eye for a tooth, arm for a finger? I don't know what circles you run in but I bet you have a friend with a bit of know-how. Not a killer, either! Pool your resources, dear. If the connections appear start throwing some XXXL panties in his car. His wife will get the point! There are a million things that you have at your disposal, use your brain!!

What to do about violation of condo pool rules?

For the past 2 summers I have lived in my condo, the pool has always been clean and kept nice. There was usually a sparse amount of people and it was rather quiet.
This year, I am not sure what happened, but it's gone crazy. I am usually tolerant, but it's gotten ridiculous. People from outside the neighborhood jump the fence, swim with their entire families or something, and trash the place. I found freakin corn floating in the pool! How gross is lord knows what else. I cannot take my kids when it looks like that. There are wrappers everywhere and the noise goes on to 11 at night. I tried asking the homeowner's to do something (they recently converted from rented to condos) but they are such cheapskates, they won't even hire security or a poolkeeper. And they can flippin afford it with what they are selling these stupid places for. So all that is it's worse. The trespassing creeps and their families have started shoving paper in the locks on the gates..
I actually got extremely angry reading what has been going on in your place of living. I'm sorry you have to deal with such BS! Unfortunately nobody really cares about anything but themselves so it's up to you as a resident to do something about it. I would suggest talking to other residents in your area and see about starting a neighborhood watch. If everyone does a small part then you will be able to maximize your efficiency and alleviate your headaches from the ridiculous actions of others. The more active a community is and the more people unite against something the easier it is to get rid of it. A few suggestions would be to go door to door. Make fliers with information on what's been going on and ask for people's help with in your comunity. Check with the landlord or main office or whoever is in charge. Tell them that if they won't fix the problem that you are forced to do something about it on your own. Please stay with in legal limits of your actions however. It will paint a clear picture for anyone abusing the privileges that you deserve. Good luck!
Call the police. These people are trespassing, plain and simple. And don't you have a Homeowner's Association? With fees and all that? They are LEGALLY bound to abide by the conditions in the Homeowner's Agreement. Which, I'm sure, involves providing security for trespassers.
My mom had the same problem with her condo board. She called the Department of Health . . . the problems were taken care of within a week.
call the police next time they are making noise. if you know they are not supposed to be there, call the police for trespassing. you do have some power.
Security %26 rule enforcment is up to the condo board of directors acting thru hired management. If you are a tenant, move. If you are an owner your only remedy is to get together with like minded owners; gain control of the Board of Directors %26 fire management %26 hire someone who will enforce the rules.

What to do about the neighbors and their dogs?

I own several acres of land which I would love to go out walking in, but my neighbors insist on letting their dogs run loose 24/7. Every time I take just a few steps into my field, the neighbor鈥檚 dogs from up the road will come charging like they're going to attack. So far I haven't had them come all the way down on me, but I don't try to going any further into the field either. We鈥檝e called the neighbors before and asked them to put up their dogs, which they do for a couple hours, but then they're running free again. When we tell them we're afraid of the dogs, they smile and say, "Oh, don't worry, they don't bite." I suppose they think that barking and growling is their way of saying they want to be petted. Once my mom and I were standing on our back porch when one of their dogs walked through our yard, pooped in our yard, then looked at us and growled before going back home.
(More details will be posted in just a moment...)
call the dog pound.. Like I did on my neighbors.. but ir your neighbors are like mine they are complete idoits so ya know.. good luck..
try calling animal control that happend to me one time
good luck though! :)
Here in Arkansas if they come at me on my land I shoot them, then drop the carcass on the neighbors doorstep. But except from out of staters, people here have the courtesy not to let that happen.
i dont really know what you can do next with a higher authority, but you can try putting a fence around your property
Tell your neighbor that you are going to file a law suit if he does not keep his dogs off your land. If he says his dogs are not on your property then state. "If your dogs are not on my land then you will have no objection to me putting poison meat out in the back." You won't see his dogs again.
make a fence ;)
I really sympathise with you as I have been having a similar problem with my next door neighbours and have asked the same question on here. I'm in the UK and we don't have dog wardens where I live and my neighbours are totally unapproachable. I've even gone as far as reporting it to the RSPCA but nobody is prepared to do anything and meantime my own dog is suffering as their dog keeps jumping over my fence and antagonising it. I think what you really need to do is to try and catch them and then call your dog warden or the police and say you have caught a stray on your property and then it should be up to them to deal with the owner. Good luck, I hope you have better luck resolving your problem than I have had with mine! (It is still ongoing after several months now!)
Get a shotgun, and when they come at over there heads, or in front of them
maybe the noise will keep them away. The owners may consider them selves lucky, that your a bad shot, so far and start locking them up. Not sure how traps would play out..its your property though..

What to do about my neighbor and the property line.?

My neighbors are awful. They used to be my landlords, spent their $ on meth, %26 didn't pay their contract for deed. Land owner repossessed our portion %26 sold it to us last Wed. Neighbors disputed the property line between us, so I paid for a surveyor. The surveyor put the pin 10' into their driveway. Neighbor called the sheriff. I informed the sheriff that I did everything right, %26 I was putting up a fence asap. Neighbor would have to take me to court %26 prove my surveyor wrong according to the land office. Cop agreed.
These are nasty individuals. I frequently bring in my 6 year old because of the "f" word neighbor screams so much at his own kids. He is known to be a thief, and has 2 pending criminal cases in Superior Ct. I am putting up a fence to keep him out. Local ordinances say you can't put a fence within 25' of where the drive meets the road. I'm afraid if I don't put something near the pin, it will disappear. Should I put in a 3' tall post and run a string along line? Any ideas
Given the nature of your neighbors, this circumstance demands that you at least consult with an attorney before doing anything so that you can get a complete understanding of what you legally can and can't do and what your neighbor can legitimately do in response.
The description you give tells me that the situation is very likely to escalate. As such, you must make sure that you follow the letter of the law step-by-step. Only an attorney licensed to practice law in your state is competent to give you that type of advice. Most attorneys are willing to do such a brief consultation at reasonable rates. In addition, if things go south, you will need an attorney ready to represent you if needed.
Get pre-paid legal. For about the cost of Sport illustrated every month, you can have a lawyer represent you for these things. Hicks call the cops, who really can't do anything any way. See how your neighbor likes to hear "My attorney will be in touch with you regarding this." If you do get sued, defense is included.
Eve n if you and your niebors hate each other,both of you still have to live there.(that is a f...up way to live).keep a good eye on your kid).
Scrap the fence idea and dig a trench!
The surveyor should have given you a drawing of the properties and the location of the boundary line. If he didn't I would suspect his work.
Can you afford to hire a fence company? Does the Landlord own the portion they are on? If the neighbor owns the land and not the landlord they could try to take the part of the land the driveway is on by adverse possession.
i have tons of evergreens that are 20+ ft. tall. If your ever in Chicago .I got some with ya name on em. Plant the trees so you don't have to look at his ugly face. Far as him dropping the "F" bomb..I'd purchase me a paint gun and pop em in the kisser every time I heard it. Who would ever expect a mom to do such a thing.heheee evil laugh ;)
Just make sure you know what exactly you can build up to and what your local shire requirements are. As they may only allow you to build within a certain height. We had a dividing fence issue with our neighbor who claimed we had damaged their fence during demolition of an old house...and building of a new one. They refused to pay half of the cost at first but came good at a later date.
Before hiring a contractor I had to call my council and get them to PDF me the local laws etc. Good luck, hopefully they choose to move out or sell.
If the fence is not an option, what does the ordinance say about a moat or alligators?
Just let him know how much the surveyor cost and that if the pin disappears you will have the surveyor come back out and have them bill him.
What does the ordinance say about landmines?
That could work.ahh drat, they got kids...oh well
Good luck.
that totally sucks. and it really pisses me off! cause theirs nothing you can do and theres nothing the police can do, and you got that crap waiting for you everytime your outside. pray that they hang themselves, i guess. i don't know maybe tell them a friend of yours needs a car and is willing to pay cash today, for their piece of crap, they'll take the money for dope thinking they're gonna turn it into bigger money,then you get rid of the car at bluebook, of course they'll do the dope, have no money and no car and they'll get forclosed on in two months or so. then they'll go away and you can stand there going, gosh that sucks, we're really going to miss you guys, better luck next time.
You should take pictures of where the surveyors mark is and where the property line goes.You should put up a steel post as a marker right on the line.You may be better off letting things cool down so the neighbor does not go nuts and hurt some one.Eventually he will be in jail and you can secure the border without altercation. Good luck.
1) measure the distance from the pin to an object nearby so, if he does move the pin you can just put it back when you need to.
2) apply some kind of dye or, paint to the ground where the pin is so, you can still see where it goes.
But, I wouldn't draw any more attention to that area by applying a post into the ground. Your neighbor sound's like a wacko.
Good luck,

What to do about a noisy neighbor?

I live in a apt complex. A new tenant moved in about 2 months ago. He likes to play his stereo LOUD. He's already recieved to notices from the manager. One more and he's out. I've tried to speak with him. 2 other people have tried to talk to him as well. I think he's doing it on purpose now just to piss me off. I've been told to call the police. But I'm afraid he's the type that might take revenge. I'm a single woman and going crazy here. I can't sleep well because of all of the noise. Any other suggestions?
Report your neighbor to the police so that appropriate action will be made.
send an anonymus letter to your landlord that way they won't know who it came from.
Get some other tenants involved and talk to the manager about him; make a complaint together. Or call the cops and ask that your name not be released to the guy!
He's already on his way out - thanks to the managers. Just be a little more patient and he will be gone soon.
By the way, don't worry about calling the police. By law, they are NOT allowed to tell him who called - only a concerned neighbor.
I would go get some ear plugs and call the police. As someone stated before they cannot say who called and reported him, and he is on his way out anyway. I know it is hard, but be patient.
Just make sure that he gets that one more complaint against him.If he finds out that it is you and threatens you,go to the manager AND the police.Is any of the tenants complaining?If so, get them involved.You can't let this creep control your life!There is an old saying that is " Nobody can take advantage of you unless you let them"As a former police officer,I must say however,be careful.

What time do stores have to lock up alcohol and not sell it in illinois?

i know that bars generally close at 2 am, and that on saturday night, a store isnt allowed to sell alcohol from 2 am sunday morning til 11 am sunday morning, but what about the rest of the week? what time does a store have to stop selling alcohol on a monday, or a tuesday night in illinois?
Bars must be closed on daytime so that minors will not be tempted to buy alcohol from said establishments.
well i live in missouri and i know that the cut off time is 130... maybe its the same there. and thats everynight...:) happy drinking
The time stores stop selling is based on city and county law.

What things do you do that are governed by a law. For instance if you ride in a car, note the laws which gover

what things do you do that are governed by a law. For instance if you ride in a car, note the laws which govern drivers鈥?licenses, traffic rules, car registration, etc. If you ride your bicycle, note laws which govern helmets, which side of the road you should ride on and so on.
I'm in a heavily regulated profession, Law.
There are laws that control who can apply for a license, laws that control who can be granted a license, and a variety of laws concerning conduct in the practice.
There are laws concerning how I handle client funds, from the way the account is set up to it being a violation of the rules to ever bounce a check, to having to keep records seven years after final disbursement of all funds of an individual client.
There are laws regarding who I can talk to, specifically I cannot talk to another lawyer's client about their case under any circumstances except in court or in a deposition. I cannot deliberately withhold information, I cannot help a client commit a future crime, and must reveal their intent to commit one in the future.
There are laws regarding how I may advertise. Use of the word "specialist" is strictly forbidden, unless my state recognizes an area for such designation, and I have that designation. I can't make unqualified claims, such as "knowledgeable", "experienced", or "successful". I have to stick with quantifiable facts.
When appearing in court, a judge can reprimand me if my client is dressed in a way the judge feels is inappropriate or disrespectful.
I suspect that Law is the most regulated and controlled profession in the United States, and probably the world. Everything I do all day long is regulated.
i stick to the floor rather than floating off.
In this I am obeying the law of gravity
WOW I never would have know, your info was very intresting thanx
Everything you do is governed by a law.
The property you live on is governed by zoning laws, and if you want to improve your property, you must comply with building codes.
When you go to work, you may work in a profession that requires a license or permit. Even if you don't, you are governed by tax laws.
When you go out to eat, the law dictates what you can drink (no alcohol unless the restaurant has a permit, and no alcohol unless you are 21). In some cities, laws govern what you can eat (no trans-fat, no foie gras).
Laws are everywhere. A better question would be, what can you do that is NOT governed by a law?

What the meaning of Law Hear say?

so i was just looking at law %26 order and the ruling was hear say

What does this mean???
Hearsay happens when a witness recites an statement made outside of court by another person for the purpose of proving the statement is true. Example: Joe is on trial for the murder of Susan. Mary testifies that Joe told her Joe saw Bill kill Susan. It is not acceptable as evidence because it is too unreliable. It is hearsay.
However, there are dozens of hearsay exceptions. Joe can testify Bill told Joe that Bill killed Susan. It is still hearsay, but it is allowed because it is a statement made by a party against his own interest Bill is the party on trial for murder, he made the statement to Joe, and that statement is against his own interests).
Hearsay is one of the most complicated part of the evidence code.
Hearsay is second-hand information. For example, if you testify "Bob told me he saw Joe shoot Sam", that's hearsay.
"Everyone knows" something is the truth, but did not personally witness it.
or we hear one person saying something, do not know if it is true or not from any personal witnessing, and we repeat it as if it is true.
We do this with news media all the time.
We see something on TV news, assume the reporter and TV station did their job properly, so it must be true.
In court, we are supposed to limit our testimony to what we know for a fact because we personally witnessed it in person.
Seeing it on TV news, on Internet, in e-mail, in a phone conversation from someone else that does not count.
Hearsay is hearing or reading some allegation, and saying that it is true, when we have no way of knowing whether or not it is really true.
Hearsay is an evidentiary rule which says you cannot testify to what you did not yourself witness. It's a little more complicated than that because there are always exceptions, but if, for example, someone says to me, "Joe robbed the bank!" I cannot testify that Joe robbed the bank. That person can, but I can't.
If someone, however, said "Joe robbed the bank!" and I went and saw Joe driving off really fast with a big bag with 20s sticking out of it, I could testify to that, but not to the statement itself. It's actually kind of tricky, the witness has to say something to the effect of "I became aware that the bank was being robbed. I then went to the bank, and witnessed X, Y, and Z."
If defense counsel is stupid enough to then ask how you became aware, the door is opened, and you can answer something like, "Jim told me so."
Hearsay is, essentially, a rule against using second-hand information to prove a fact.
Here is an example. It is a little long, but you will really know your stuff if you read it.
Al and Bill have a car accident. Bill's car was not damaged, but Al's car was; neither one got hurt. As Bill was passing in the lane to Al's left, Bill's right front bumper hit Al's rear left bumper and caused him to lose control and sideswipe a telephone pole.
Bill says that he is not at fault because Al suddenly changed lanes without looking; Al denies this, and is suing Bill for the car repair.
Doris saw the accident. Edna didn't see it, but she talked about it with Doris.
At trial, Al's lawyer wants Edna to testify that Doris told her that Bill was adjusting at his radio and weaving in and out of his lane. This would be inadmissible hearsay. Doris should testify about what she saw.
However . . . If Doris testifies that she saw Bill watching the road and staying in his lane, Al's lawyer could then call Edna to testify that Doris said he was adjusting his radio and weaving, that would be admissible.
The difference is in trying to prove that Bill was weaving. In the first part, Edna's testimony was to be used to prove the fact. In the second part, Edna's testimony is to be used to undermine Doris' credibility.
Keep in mind that like most everything in law, there are exceptions and other twists to this rule.

What the law tells about the identification of an authority?

some authorities use to put under arrest without to show an id,or they brag to the humbles people or people without knowledge of the law without to show an id,to me an uniform is not an id,i can wear one too,but the badge or whatever i have suppost to see or i have the right to.
The badge is part of the Uniform. Mine has to be worn visibly on the outermost garment I am wearing. I have an ID card issued by my department, but I have no responsibility to show it to anyone. The police uniform and my verbal identification is enough.
While you could wear a uniform, it is often illegal to do so unless you have the proper authority -- and most uniforms have some type of badge or insignia that is restricted.
Yes, it's a good idea to ask to see formal ID -- but even that can be faked if someone really wants to put the effort.

What the difference between a bank cashier's check and other checks?

I was wondering.
You actually have to buy a cashier's check from a bank with real cash money. This means that the bank itself is guaranteeing that check is valid and will honor it when presented. A personal check is just one written by an individual with no guarantee that there will be funds in the account when it is finally presented to the bank. So, a personal check is a risk, a cashier's check is good as gold.
A cashier's check is guaraneed to be good as a regular check off someone's checking account could be a hot check.
A cashier's check is paid for in advance at the bank. Sort of like a money order only safer.
a cashier's check is guarenteed and there is no limit on the amount you can make the check for.
what D said...
A cashier's check is as good as cash.. no chance of it bouncing.
a casheirs check is guaranteed funds, and cannot bounce. Other checks arent guaranteed funds, and could bounce.
a cashiers check i s purchased from a bank or lending institution with cash. It is a gurantee that the amount of the check is on deposit with the issuing bank. A check that a person writes to you on a private account or a business account only implies that the funds are present.
that is the difference
A cashiers check is guarenteed - that means that the person getting the check will always get the money. With regular checks, (i.e. personal checks) it can bounce if there is no money in the check writers checking account, and then the person dosent get their money.
A Cashiers check is written against the bank. A personal check is written against your own, personal account's money. Banks do not issue Cashier Checks until they get your money, so it will not bounce under any conceivable circumstances, and can't have a "stop payment" put on it.
I do believe cashiers checks are cashable immediately with no holdup. The money is there without a doubt. A cashiers check will NEVER bounce.
A cashiers check is guaranteed funds. Most companies are more willing to accept these than regular checks. Your personal or company checks are not guaranteed. The recipient is not certain he can use the money until the regular check you gave him clears your bank.

What the blank blank blank is wrong with these people?

This New Zealand couple first wanted to name their newborn son 4Real, but the name (Thank God) was rejected by the government registry. Now, since they lost the battle to name their child such an idiodic name that would make him suffer in his childhood, undoubtably through constant teasing, and perhaps his adulthood, in which also undoubtably he will endeavor to change his name, they now want to name the poor child Superman, also having the same results as the name 4Real. JHC! Does anyone think these people are right in their heads? They could use either of those names as a nick-name for their baby, but as a legal first name??
This is an AOL link, so if it doesn't show for some, I can copy-paste the story for yall. Let me know. Thanks.
I put this in Politics because the parents have brought the issue into politics but using a court of law to fight to name their son Superman.
No they shouldn't it is hard enough for those that were born during the 60's to cope with names such as Rain, Spring, and so on that their parents gave them from the hippie era. To name a child a name that is used mostly in slang or superheroes will carry unwarranted cruelty by other children making fun of them.
people are so stupid it's amazing, and it's those type of people who will be voting for Hillary
there is one born every day...sometimes the two meet and breed..its sad..the child is probable normal to start but hes pretty much screwed
I know an American who named his son "Kal-El".
Actually.. I think Nick Cage did, too.
Hey my buddy named his son Anakin.
That can't have been an easy way to grow up.
It's got to be self-fulfilling getting your butt kicked daily is likely to turn anyone into a Darth Vader when they get older.
There are some VERY strange people in this world. I know someone who actually named their daughter Seven. You think she won't get teased? Another girl I know has the last name of Dick. Know what her first name is? Patience. Now come on people!!
I was at the Woodstock Rock Festival. A baby was born there and her parents named her Star Loki Zero High Love Cold Wild Fire Dark.
To my astonishment, I ran across her in 2005. She is 38 years old now, and is a very successful lawyer. She goes by the name of "Star." So people do survive.
well first of all Superman is a registered trademark. I believe DC comics still have control, unless some film company obtained the rights. On a side note Adam West cannot wear the cowl he wore on Batman (60's TV show) because Warner Bros bought the rights to Batman.) Anyway back on point- just how upset does this really make you? what do you really care? Its their son. Let them name him whatever they want. I agree its stupid but I would not be upset about it. And yes there are a lot of stupid names out there. It just seems to me that there are bigger issues for us to get our feathers ruffled over.

What the amount of child support that the tennesse law req to be paid?

i have two kids and need to know what the law req to be paid .i live in tennessee and so dose the father
It is based on your and the other parents income and earning potential. It is also based on things like if you are going to provide insurance, daycare, and how long of periods you will have the child.
The amount of child support is based on income and other factors.

What term for baby killer do you like?

Pro-Choice - puts a positive spin on killing the unborn
Pro-Abortion - Makes sense if you call Pro-Life - Anti-Abortion
Pro-Death - Hey it is a choice to kill, would also make sense
for those who do not want the death penalty for murders.
I think the only people that even use these terms are the people that possess strong convictions about abortion, and are either for it or against it. They are the only ones that label themselves that way.
By definition, it has to be born before you can call it a "baby". So nothing that you posted has anything to do with killing a baby.
Oh so original. Wow! You've totally turned me around on the issue.
my gosh, you're not biased at all, are you?
I wonder if this is your biggest deciding factor when you vote. If it is, I feel extremely sorry for you.
You seem to be confusing issues.
Pro-Abortion means you favor abortion -- you think everyone should have one. That would a baby killer.
Pro-Life means you oppose abortion, but more than that, it means you think the govt should decide, not the individual. Pro-life is anti-abortion, but it is also anti-choice.
Pro-Choice says NOTHING about whether abortion is good or bad -- it just means you oppose the govt making the decision.
Pro-Choice are not arguing for abortion -- they are only arguing about WHO gets to make the decision.
And remember the same pro-choice person that is opposing govt regulation is protecting the pro-life person's right to choose to HAVE the child. Because if the govt gets to make the decision, they can FORCE abortions just as easily as they can prohibit them. Pro-choice opposes BOTH of those options -- the govt cannot force anyone, in either direction.
I think that you shouldn't ask this question unless you have been in the situation where you have to make the decision. Everyone should have a choice to do what ever they want. This is such an immature question. Come on.grown up
Heroic soldier.
i wish your mom was pro-choice.
pro choice has nothing to do with a personal stance on abortion. it has to do with the indivdual's right to choose. Not let you do it for them.
Pro abortion-no one says this term
Pro death. Yes, we LOVE TO KILL BABIES
if you want to argue like that, we can say your:
pro lack of womans rights.
anti choice
welcome back to the early 1900's
I dunno, but thank you for the points!
I don't believe in abortion!
Have a nice life!
judgemental.aren't you?
anti-abortion of course! once the baby has begun to develop in his/her mother he/she is a life form although those who are pro-abortion suspiciously tend to deny this fact.
you dont understand how the language works do you. No one is killing baby's, but lots are dieing around the world due to the lack of clean water. Why dont you put that thought in you tiny mind.

What steps would a minor (17) need to take to become emancipated?

A few days ago my boyfriend's sister left their mother's house and is staying with their aunt and uncle. She left because she discovered her mother was stealing her money. She has been working and saving money to start college in '08. My boyfriend wants her to move out here with us (she is in KS and we are in CA) but their mother is crazy and I could see her accusing us of kidnapping her. I don't have a problem with her coming out but I would prefer she is emancipated first because she won't be 18 until next spring. I should also add that their mother has had a total of 4 kids. She permanently lost 2 of them to foster care because of substance abuse and mental health issues. She also temporarily lost custody of this 17 year old for the same thing. Your advice is appreciated.
States differ on the requirements to emancipate.
Contact the clerk of the court in KS where the sister lives and see what steps she needs to take, and what requirements must be met.
Very generally, in order to emancipate, the person needs to demonstrate that they can support themselves, that they have a place to live, and give a reason necessitating the emancipation.
Consulting an attorney in Kansas would be my best suggestion.
I would just run away from home and lay low, that would be much easier and you wouldn't have to waste money on lawyers. Then when you are 18 in a few months, no problems anymore.
She would file a petition for emancipation with the district court. The court clerk should be able to advise her which forms she needs.
She and/or you should consult an attorney for the answer to your question. A consult with an attorney is usually free for the first hour, which is enough time for an attorney and/or his paralegal to get all the facts and decide if a case exists.
Good idea Shelley, never even thought of that, I guess it is just too late here right now. LOL
Don't tell her to run away ,you would be harboring a runaway and you could be arrested..,, better to tell her to go to the local welfare office and tell them that she needs to talk to a Representative of the child protection services agency ,,,they will take it from there,,,she will have to let them know that you agree to take her in ,you should also contact them showing that you will be responsible for her. BEST OF LUCK%26lt; I HOPE IT ALL WORKS OUT
Different states, different laws but this might help:
Good luck and I hope all goes well

What steps should i take towards becoming emancipated?

i'm 16 years old and live in pa, my parents and i have never gotten along and i know that its no ones fault, the thing that bothers me is that for years now when we have a disagreement little or huge my father results to hitting me. its not just little slaps or shoves, he's cut my lip open and left bruises on me plenty of times, other than the physical abuse i recieve alot of verbal abuse which is tearing me apart, im at the point where i feel worthless. i have a steady job and a place where i could live without having to pay rent. i want to be able to live my life without being in complete fear of my father
Emancipation is achieved when you reach 18 years and it occurs by operation of law and no steps need not be taken. Just wait until you reach 18.
Talk to a lawyer, you have to petition the courts to do this.
Go to a school counseler or the local sheriff's department so you can report your dad. There are also Safe Havens for cases such as your own. I'd really go to the sheriff's office. Tell them you don't feel safe at home. Tell them what's going on. Ask to speak to a woman.
EDIT: The guy above me is WRONG. Emancipation of a minor is exactly what's it's called. "Emancipation of a minor". that guy's dumb. I just got out of a law class in college and we learned about this.
It is highly unlikely that the court would grant a petition for emancipation based on the information you provided. Additionally, PA does not have a statute that specifically allows for emancipation. See:
If you father hits you beyond what would be appropriate for discipline, then call the police.
This site may have the answers you need:
You have no choice until you're 18..the best thing you could do is join the military the day after you graduate from high school, and make it a career.
First you need to find someone that works with child abuse. Other than that, you wait until youre 18.
Also, does your mother know about this?
Sounds to me like you're ready to start the paperwork, the first steps in California is being self sufficient and having housing, you are there.
thats horrible... run away... not like that though, go to the local police station and demand you want your own protection. child abuse is illegal and if you can proove you can support yourself and will still attend school, and get good grades.. im sure the judge wont let you down.
Hi Sweetie,
That's a sad state of affairs! U have to go to the court house, fill out papers, speak to a prosecutor/Duty Council, %26 it will be brought up to Judge, with U R written statement of WHY U want to be Emancipated? IN CANADA anyway! The Judge's r very stern with these cases %26 reason's why, as my niece had it done with no problem %26 the Judge was fair %26 convinced in the case she had "Good Reasoning" 4 this to take place.
All My Best of Luck %26 What Kind of Mother would allow her daughter to go threw this! Don't U Ever let Anyone Hurt U Again, plse!
LOL, Diana D "also let it be known, there's physical %26 mental abuse in r statement"

What steps do we need to take now?

My husband has been searching for his biological father for the last 6 years and had no luck until recently. I had done some research online and found a death index card on his father saying he passed away in 1996. He had no family he had been adopted too. My husbands mother said he had written my husband in his will, what should we do to find out if all his funeral expences were taken care of and how can we find out if there even was a will and what steps to take next?
Not much you can do. I would start by searching the local paper where he lived around the date of his death. Usually there is a death notice and it lists a funeral home.
Contact the funeral home, and check to see if they have any information.
If he died without any assets, then do nothing. If he died with debts, the debts died with him.
If you believe he did have assets, you may want to find an attorney in the area to do some research for you, but I don't know after all this time if there is anything they can do.
Mother in law should tell who told her of the will naming her son and should have the attorney information too. So ask her how dated her information is and contact an attorney only after doing a little investigating on your own. If your husband was adopted he would have no heir rights but he would still have heir rights without being named in a will.
The above site might be helpful. Best of luck.
Check out the public records and call the recorder's office for the county the man died in, a lot of jurisdictions make people record wills once they've been executed. It's worth a shot.
If your husband's mother has info about this will, maybe she knows who the probate attorney was, too, and the attorney would definitely have all of that information.

What steps do I take to gain legal custody of my grandchild?

Depends upon the position of its parents.
This is entirely dependent on the laws in your area and if you can prove the parents are incompetent. You will also have to show you are capable of their care.
You have to take your child to court or call CPS to report abuse, neglect or drug use. Get a lawyer and petition the court for temporary custody. the courts will give the parents a chance, most likely, to make major changes so they can get the child back. They like to be able to preserve the family if possible.

What State?

What was the last state to legalize tattoo parlors? (2006)
Oklahoma was the last state to legalize the tattoos.
probably utah
Oklahoma was the last state to legalize tattoo parlors. As of November 1, 2006, it finally became legal.

What state dont have gun laws?

Vermont, and Alaska have no gun laws. You can go in buy a pistol with no id, and put the gun in you pants, and walk out the door legally.
ALL. have both State and Federal... GUN. LAWS!
Thanks, RR
All states have gun laws. It is just that the gun laws differ from state to state. It is easier to get a gun in one state than in another.
Every state has laws on it, but Texas has the fewest with Partial Gun Possession for Minors, illegal to sell to minors, and illegal to carry guns into schools.
They all do but some more leaner then others like Florida.Texas just to name a few.
texas and florida are pretty bad.
texas you get away with alot. In florida if someone threatens you, you can shoot them.or if someone breaks into your house in florid, you can like shoot them in the face. plus alot of illegal gun rings are in the south, so it is real easy to get one
There isn't a state in the Union that doesn't have SOME gun laws. Some just have fewer than others.
The state with the fewest gun laws is Vermont. You can still carry a concealed weapon there WITHOUT a permit! However, they DO restrict gun ownership if you are a felon or have a history of mental illness. You know ... COMMON SENSE gun laws.
Kalifornia (where I happen to live) is one of the worst! There may be some that are worse than Kalifornia, but I haven't lived there to know about it.
Uh, you're grammar and question leave me doubtful of your trustworthiness... why do you want to know?
What state DOESN'T have gun laws? None of the United States of America.

What sort of background checks do they do for foster parents?

Do they just do criminal or can they look at your medical record as well?
Different localities have different levels of scrutiny - and it's not just a variance by state. For example, the City of New York's Agency for Child Services handles its checks differently than does the similar agency in Syracuse.
But, depending upon the agency, they can look at everything from criminal to financial to medical records. And they should!
Depends on the state. Check out your state's web site for foster parent qualifications. Usually it is more than just a criminal background check. They usually do a character background check as well, i.e. family members, neighbors, your own child(ren)s teachers, etc. and credit checks as well.

What social issue has been handled by the federal government successfully?

hmmm lets see - nothing comes to mind.
I'll give a social program-Peace Corps.
Social security is fine. Might be completely in debt, but I don't hear people complaining about late checks, ever.
Civil rights
Social Security
Veterans affairs
In the 1930s the Federal government set up work plans to build the interstate highway system. People who were out of work due to the depression would sign up for these crews. They were paid by the government.

What should you do if you are sent to collections in error?

I was sent to collections by a company that I dont owe money to. Their website stated to cancel you needed to send an email %26 copy of invoice to their email at least 15 days prior to the billing date. I sent 6 emails requesting cancellation including my phone # in each mails. I never received any more product, I stopped being billed, but I also never received a confirmation of my cancellation. Now they are sending me to collections for their product. I paid for two products, and I only received two products. I really dont feel that it is fair to me, especially because I am so broke and making crappy wages, to have to pay a LOT of money for a product I didn't purchase, or agree by any means to purchase, a year ago. What leg do I have to stand on? What can I do to protect myself in this situation?
The first thing you'll want to do is take a step back from everything, take a deep breath, and relax. Often times, if the error is on the part of the complaining company, the collection's agency can take care of it (assuming that it's nothing major). They are provided by all the info from the complaining party (or at least should be). Just go over the information you have with them in a calm manner. Most collections agents can come across as bitter/angry/etc..., but as long as you're civil with them, they should return the favor.
This second part is going off of the assumption that you're in the US (sorry if it sounds funny, but there are a lot of international users on here). First, you can go to the following site ( ) and find the Better Business Bureau site for the state this company's in. There, you can see if there's any history of this kind of behavior by this company (assuming that they are a member of the BBB). Secondly, if things escalate to a desperate point, you can contact the State's Attorney General of the state this company's in. For this, you'd want to make sure that all of your documentation is in order. That info can be looked up here ( ).
call them and have them do a letter of apology to you and to remove any collection notives from your files.
If the agreement to purchase the two products included a 'membership' to purchase more, then are completely within their rights to sue you, send you to collections, etc.
Fairness is not really a legal defense. While it is a consideration in contract cases, how you feel about is not. Legal fairness only considers what each party agrees to, interest, and what you get for your money. You may feel ripped off after agreeing to a deal, but that is not a legal basis for reneging on it.
How much you earn, what you planned to do, etc, is irrelevant. If buying the first two products committed you to buying more, then you have breached the contract.
Being sent to collections for something you don't owe is unfair and infuriating. The good news is our country's legal system protects us from most of the damage in these situations. Unfortunately, you may have to spend a little money to clear this up but you need to do it because the bigger money is in a good credit rating. Just be direct with the company about what happened and what you want them to do for you. Document everything in the event you need to sue. Obtain copies of your credit reports to verify it has been cleared. This may cost a little money but your credit rating is worth it. Just cut your losses here and do what you need to do to get this cleared up. If this company is too incompetent to fix your problem, then you sue. Of course, this will never go to court. Once the company is informed that it is going to court, your problem will magically be resolved.
Report them to the better business bureau. You can do this online. You would be surprised at how fast companies respond to inquiries made by the BBB.
It also makes you feel better. (Smile)

What should we do if USDA being unfair even after we wrote complaint letter to headquarter already?

They thought that they are government agency so they can do whatever they want. This has been going on since last year, they invoiced us some ridiculous amount which our company has never agreed on. Even though we have written complaint letter to headquarter, they just forward the letter back to the field office which they are the same groupie! I'm wondering what can we do now seems even though headquarter of USDA wouldn't even help. I just got a phone call from USDA saying that they will transfer this debt to collection agency or even the U.S Treasury, but they refuse to give us a written response - all they do is just phone call, they don't even do email!! Awww, so frustrated - my boss is not going to pay for this unjustified amount but I feel like I鈥檓 stuck in between, coz I will be the only one who needs to deal with the whole thing til the end, help!!!
What can I do?
Since you are completely unable to give any useful information about the issue (what was the bill for?) you have three real choices:
1. Pay the bill.
2. Ignore the bill and deal with a collection company.
3. Hire a lawyer and challenge the validity of the debt.
We might be able to help you if we knew a little more about what the bill is for and why you think it's excessive.

What should the US do to combat Nigerian con artists?

Personally i haven't fallen victim to one but they have tried to get me multiple times through continuous emails and a few attempts scamming me on ebay (recently they tried twice to get me to ship a PS3 to a Nigerian address by sending me fake emails claiming that i had recieved a paypal payment - I'm sure they fooled alot of people with them).
20/20 recently did a study - and found over 100 million dollars had been successfully stolen over the last year.
Should the US quit sending aid to Nigeria until their government takes a more serious approach?
Does our government need stricter laws or more focus on enforcement?
Should Americans simply quit buying Nigerian products or going there on vacation?
What do you think is the best approach?
Its simple. Just have the FBI send a warning to all active email addresses in the US (they already have a list) warning people not to fall victim to this scam.
I really don't feel sorry for any of the idiots who thought that they could send their personal information to some anonymous person in Nigeria and not get scammed by them.
Maybe we should educate the American people so that they are not dumber then a box of rocks. I have received several of these e-mails over the years and I can not believe anyone is gullible enough to fall for them. I feel it's time that the American public quites crying to the government and learns to take responsibility for thier own actions.
I think the best approach is for people to use common sense.
Why would someone you don't know email you from Nigeria and ask for your personal banking information and/ or money?
You can tell whether or not you've received a PayPal payment pretty easily and/ or whether or not you've sold something to someone in Nigeria.
Sorry, anyone that falls for these things just needs to THINK.
Track them down and finish them off with brutal technique, in order to scare future con artists from doing this
Do not let greed get in the way of common sense.Most people fall victim because of greed.Remember,if it sounds to good to be true,it usually is!
Other than education, there is nothing the govt can do.
First of all, most of the current "Nigerian" scams are not coming from Nigeria. The emails are originating on servers all over the world -- Nigeria is just the common setting for the scam -- but England and India are becoming equally common settings (though the emails still aren't coming from there).
And I don't think punishing the entire Nigerian govt or the entire nation's economy is the right answer, when the problem is caused by individual criminals. Since 80+% of the spam in the world comes from the US, that would be like refusing to do business with the US until the US govt stops that activity. It's not effective as a solution.

What should the punishment be?

My boyfriend was at a party 2yrs ago with his best friend and his best friend's 16yr old brother. they fell asleep and the adults who gave them alcohol woke them up and told them they had to leave. they debated on who should drive and my b/f decided to. they went off a cliff and the 16yr old died. this was 2yrs ago. the court case is finally wrappin up. he is still best friends with the boys brother and the family of the boy doesn't want him to serve any jail or prison time, they think the adults should. The DA won't meet with the family or go after the adults. My b/f feels so guilty all the time and hasn't drank since then, he has chosen to do a blind plea (even though the family of the boy doesn't want him to) where he says he's guilty of manslaughter. he's goin to jail for 45 to 90 days where he will wait for the judge to decide further punishment. What do you think the judge will decide to do?
Sounds to me like the DA is making an example of your boyfriend. How old was your boyfriend at the time? Was he of legal drinking age? If not, the parents should be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. At the very least, they should be held liable for allowing the boys to leave. A bartender can get in trouble for serving someone too much alcohol if they get behind the wheel and kill someone. What is the difference here?
While it's a testament to the 16 year old's parents that they don't hold your boyfriend at fault, the fact remains that he did kill someone. I think it's admirable that he's standing up and taking responsibility for his action, and shows remorse. I think the judge will take that into consideration, but ultimately, what he or she decides to do is entirely up to them. They'll take a lot of factors into consideration, but manslaughter is no light charge. Your boyfriend is likely to do more jail time than just 45 to 90 days. But I'm not a judge. They do silly stuff sometimes. Good luck.
He is going to jail.
it was his choice to drive, he could have called a cab or asked to stay over night.
While it is appreciated that the boys family does not hold a grudge against him, he did break the law.
Your boyfriend drove while drunk and KILLED a 16 year old boy, and he is (hopefully) going to prison for a few years.
Wow - that's a really tough one. I'm not sure about your boyfriend, but I think the adults should definitely be prosecuted. How could they not? I can't stand these parents that think they are being their kids friend instead of a parent.
They disgust me. Good luck to your bf
Was your BF underage at the time? In some states, adults who serve alcohol to minors share the guilt. Your BF should discuss this with his attorney.
In any event, your BF was responsible for the death due to his intoxication and should be punished. But the adults might share in the responsibility.
Judge can do whatever he wants within the law. If your BF seems sincerely remorseful, he will probably get off easier. Note I said "easier", not "easy."
Good luck, dear.
Your boyfriend will probably have to do some time.. although the adults were in the wrong for giving minors alcohol... it was his choice and bad decision making ultimately to get behind the wheel and drive drunk.. thus taking someones life..
Your family should file criminal charges against those adults right away.

What should someone do to try and signed by a record label in Canada?

I am willing to work extremely hard please help!!
Make a really good CD. Publicize it on radio stations. Try to get it bought up by a mainline company.
Look in the Yellow Pages under listings for Talent or Entertainment agents. No-one will even listen to you without an agent.

What should Policymakers address?

Do you think that policymakers should address crime as a matter of individual responsibility and accountability, or do you think that crime is truly a symptom of a dysfunctional society?
Crime is a symptom, of truly dis functional people WHO can not live within the guide lines of society, and therefore deserve what they get.
Individual responsibility. Most everyone knows right from wrong.
It is a combination of the two. Go after the individual criminals, but also go after social problems like poverty and injustice.

What should my friend do?

I have a friend, and she has recently got a divorce (after a year in separation from her ex-husband). They share the custody of their two girls (child's). One week with her, one week with him. She wrote me recently that there is something she is worried about; she didn't told what it is at the moment, she said she was going to tell me about that later. Just that one of the girls told that a few days ago. But that she cannot do anything because she has no proofs of anything. She just prays that the girls would be OK with their father.
I don't know exactly what is going on, but, anyway, she has no proof or evidence about it. I think the girl wouldn't like to talk about that with anyone else.
What should I tell my friend to do? She lives in Canada, BTW.
You have to get a specific accusation. Then if it's what we fear, you tell her if she doesn't call the authorities, you will. You would do the same for any kid on the street.
Now, be careful she's not just mad at her ex and trying to hurt him. These things can ruin a person.
A friend would stay out of it, give her a good shoulder to cry on and any ADVICE she may ASK you for,
I had a friend of mine, who's ex-wife got him into a heck of a mess out of revenge; even time in jail. It was all nonsense of course. Later they made up and actually re-married.
BTW they are still paying off his legal fees.

What should Michael Vicks punishment be now that he plead guilty?

This guy has been lying since the beginning. Now the sckumbag pleads guilty just to lessen his sentence? Is he making a mockery of the courtroom? Should he be held accountable for saying he was not guilty in the beginning?
First strip him. Rub a female dog that is season all over him so he smells like her. Then lock him alone in a room with one of the angry male dogs he or his friends taught to fight.
More realistically I think he should get the maximum sentence there is for animal cruelty.
He should be honored for getting rid of a bunch of worthless crap and yap machines. I truly mean that.
That being said, let it be known that I am completely against cruelty to animals... except for dogs and geese.
the same as anyone else no more no less.
A good stern lecture and a hit upside the head.
Max him out. More than the average person and stop giving rich famous people less than the average person.
Paris Hilton should have gotten the max as well these rich people think they're above the law it's ridiculous but as they always say "money talks and bullsh^t walks"
Why the hell would I get a thumbs down that's pure bullsh^t!

What should I wear to court?

Okay, so I amgoing to court on Thursday as a character witness for my fiance's brother. What should I wear?
Also, does anybody know what section I would ask about what all this entails?
Wear something nice.
But many people don't realize that "nice" doesn't mean "party nice," it means "church nice" and then some.
Wear a suit if you have it. If not, a nice blouse and skirt.
DO NOT show cleavage.
DO NOT wear skirts more than 2-3" above the knee.
DO NOT wear heels more than 2" tall.
DO NOT wear excessive jewelry.
DO NOT wear perfume.
Grey, navy blue are your friends.
Did you see what Paris Hilton wore to court? Perfect! (Yes, I can't believe I'm complimenting Paris on anything but...)
Remember, you're a character witness, so you should seem like a fine upstanding young woman.
Wear a nice blouse, trousers and low-heel shoes. Don't wear too much makeup or jewelry, and make sure your hair is neat, and your clothes are pressed.
i would suggest a smart ladies suit, kinda like bussiness woman wear. you want to give the judge the impression your honest and reliable so baggy jeans and a jumper are not a good idea nor is dressing like your on the pull on a saturday nite. good luck for thursday
formal, dark color.
I guess this is a good section
Wear your nicest clothes, possibly a suit and tie. I was in traffic court once and the guy in front of me had on jeans and the judge told him to come back with pants on- not jeans when he is in his courtroom!
As long as you are not the plaintiff or defendant, I would say a nice pair of slacks and dress shirt.
Both lawyers are just going to ask you questions about what you know about your fiance's brother and him as a person. Just ask in this section as well.
Just underwear, if you intend to plead insanity.

What should I settle for?

I will soon be in a mediation case with my employer and it is a discrimination case. I want to know what would be a fair amount to settle with. I am not greedy I just want them to feel the way they made me feel. I also don't want to be outrageous with an amount, but then again they should have thought about that before they treated my like we were back in slavery days.
I would think your attorney would suggest a sum that he feels is reasonable, or higher and then a bargaining point.
Good Luck
No details, so no way for any of us to know.
You should be discussing this with your attorney. You have given us no facts regarding the specifics of the discrimination you are claiming. Some types of discrimination are worse than others and should cost the employer more.
Um, it really depends on the details. I suggest you have an initial consultation with a lawyer to find out what the going rate is for this kind of thing. Then, if you want to negotiate yourself, shoot for 15-20% less.
I doubt they will come with any kind of offer. If they do, take whatever they offer plus your lawyers fees on top of that. Any kind of negotiation will make you look very bad in front of the judge and will clearly demonstrate your true intent. Stress on that any money you receive will be donated to the charitable causes.

What should i remember while filing a patent?

I am making a patent application which requires full detail of the thing to be patented.
Now i'm an 18 yr old...i just know how to file a patent...nothing else...any thing i should keep in mind while making the application?
follow the instructions on your packet...our government is trying to pass a law that will nulify your efforts anyway..the patent office (if the law passes) will disclose your information in 18 months whether or not your patent has been granted.
It wll be open to the the world if the law passes
Make sure you spell your name right. I've heard this is very important.
Do NOT divulge ANYTHING about your patent until you have filed it, and document EVERYTHING. From the time you first thought of the idea, to every step in between then and now. LOTS of patents are later overturned because someone else 'thought' of it first, and documented that fact. They have the same design but 'thought' and worked on it before you, yours will be overturned and them granted the Patent.
If it's a moving or mechanical product, you must have a drawing with every individual part numbered and it's relationship to other parts. Drawings are required in any case.
All that to be described in written form with references to the part numbers, and it's uses.
You must have researched for any like or similar product patents. If an existing patent can be slight;y modified to serve the same purpose, it may not be issued on your design.
Any similar patents ID numbers, should be revealed and an explanation why yours is different.
Bear in mind that obtaining a patent in US only, does not protect you in any other country. Other countries can produce the product, but could not market it in the US.
To patent a product in foreign countries is almost cost prohibitive for the average person.
It may take 2-3 years to obtain a patent, as they must also research any duplications and are slow. USPO charges an additional fee to process sooner.
You can research patents on line, but all may not be there if recently patented. The process is somewhat difficult and time consuming. Patent Attorneys charge up to $7,000.00 to do this.
take your id

What should I include or how should I write a letter to a judge in order to get my probation drooped?

Last February I was convicted of a misdemeanour with two years unsupervised probation, the judge said if I did not get in any trouble the first year to write to the court and he would remove the second year and get it removed on my record but I do not what I need to include or if I should hire someone. does anyone know what I should do?
I think you should start off with a reminder to the court as to why you are writing them include the judge name who told you to do so also get straight to the point meaning write about all the positive things you are doing or want to do in the ftre. you might also want to include the lessons youve learned and just include how you are sincere and mature now. include any schools and training you have or what you are about to have and your career goals. You have to speak very positive but be real and sincere.
This is not sarcasm, but proper spelling would be a good start.
look that same info up on a free lawyer help line...
"does anyone know what I should do?"
Yeah. Grow up, Be Responsible and Respectable.
First thing you need to do is buy a dictionary I'm guessing you mean dropped

What should I include in a consent for treatment letter?

My minor son is going on vacation to another state with his grand-mother and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what I should include in a "consent for treatment" letter in case he should require emergency medical care. Thank you.
I (your name here), the parent and legal guardian of (child's name here), hereby authorize (grand-mothers name here) to provide any and all medical treatment needed for (child's name here).
Have a Notary Public witness your signature.
Here's a form online that you can fill out to generate a letter:
you can make a very simple letter just stating that they can preform any necessary treatment and that his grandmother can give permission for all treatment. You should also put your phone number on the paper and tell them when you are available. Even though you give consent they will still want to contact you

What should i have done?

Man was kicked to death by 2 x15 yr/16 yr olds last week in england. He objected to them damaging his car. Reminded me what happened to me 10 yrs ago. Walking from visitng mother @12 noon, accosted by 8 youths wanting my flying jacket. Sufferd concussion, broken nose, 8 stitches cut lip. One of attacker got 2 broken ribs.. Me still on feet by time ambulance/police came... I called. Could not indentify any of attackers, they went free. Im 2nd Dan karate instructor, run own club, 60 this year. Knowledge kept me alive. Last year, wife woke me up, someone was in house at 4 am. Went downstairs dressed pygama btms (not pretty sight), burglar getting in our car with laptop/valuables. Car didnt start first time, by time it did start, I was sat at side of him beating him. he stopped car, tried to escape. I kncked him out b4 he cud, went to see wife was ok and ring police. when got back he had gone with no valuables.Should i have killed him? and why not? I cud have, easily?
Far as I am concerned you did what you could, and that is all that can be expected of a man under such circumstances. You didn't do anything dishonorable, and you protected your property without going to extremes. When I grow up I want to be like you, any 60 year old who fights with burglars is one tough old man. It was a nice touch to spare the thief's life, robbery isn't a capitol offense and you did right not killing him. I caught a couple thieves ripping off my house one time and carved them up with a kitchen knife while beating the crap out of them, but I was young and in shape. I didn't kill them, it wouldn't have been just, and you chose wisely in showing mercy to your burgler. Taking a life is a serious choice, and you had better be justified in doing so or you could face legal and moral ramifications. You did just what you should have done, and the world needs more 60 year olds like you in it.
kill someone for -things-?
I will always always recommend to everyone to have a tear gas can!
kill someone?
would you really?
could you live with that?
I know I couldn't (unless it was done while protecting a life)
The law ( and I don't agree with this ) states that you can use 'reasonable' force to defend yourself and your property, although it is difficult to judge what is 'reasonable' in the heat of the moment. Personally I think you should have strung the little sh*t up by the nuts and bled him to death slowly. However under the circumstances I gather he wasn't armed, you would have ended up in the sh*t as it would be considered that your training should have allowed you to control the situation without killing him. Who says an Englishmans home is his castle?
yes because he will only do it again
No you should not have killed him, U would have been banged up inside now and the wife would be on her own wouldnt she.
I wouldnt have even intervened unless mine or the families life was at risk, you stand to lose to much, let them have the valubles, at least youve still got your life, the wife still has a hubby and the kids still have a dad.
absolutely not! You did the right thing. If you ahd killed him you would regret that alot worse than not killing him. Whoever he was it was someone's son/brother. Maybe it was a kid that had a bad life/bad parents and now he's straightened up (let's hope) . And besides, killing him wouldn't stop all of these other thugs from attacking/robbing other people. You did the right thing.
By the way, good job on breaking the ribs of the fly jacket attackers! Kick ***!!
Why?..For what reason?.dignity?...pride? what would you, your wife and your family have gained from it if you had of killed him? You inside, your family ruined, he still out on the street probably do the same thing over and over again whilst your sat in your cell watching life pass you by.
Your the only one with the answer to it m8
You can't use deadly force simply to save your property. Only if he were attacking *you* would deadly force have been justified.
I bet karate wisdom worked again and you didn't kill him and that was the right thing to do. you are not the only one to have issues like that. You were lucky to be a Karate instructor and I am glad for you.
No, not moral to kill someone for stealing things. If he had broken in and you did not know his intent or you knew he intended harm to you or your wife, would be a different matter.

What should I expect when reporting to jail for a fourteen day sentence?

This will be my first time in jail.
Anything i should bring or not bring?
Call the jail and ask how many pairs of underwear you are allowed to bring. The underwear will probably need to be white, not colored. (Some inmates have used the dye in colored underwear to make tattoo ink, therefore many jails have banned colored unders. Seriously.)
If you do not bring your own underwear, you might have to purchase it from the commissary, and it will be a lot more expensive.
If you don't bring underwear, there may be some available that has been donated to the jail for prisoners who don't have any when the are processed in. I wouldn't count on that though. The best bet is to take your own, after calling the jail to find out what you can take. They might allow you up to 48 hours after in-processing where you can have someone bring you allowable unders, but that depends on the facility.
Other than that, if you have any medications or special needs, you might want to take those items in case you can use those while you are there. Jails have medical officers, but they won't give you brand-name medicine if a generic is available, even if your doctor prescribed the brand name. They will give you the cheapest option for the medication.
Like I said, the best bet is to cal the jail or Sheriff's department and ask.
Soap on a rope
Don't drop the soap
Don't bring anything. They supply everything.
Anything you do bring will be confiscated and returned to you when you leave.
You can't bring anything. You should expect hell.
They will furnish all you need. And that ain't much. If you smoke and they allow it, bring them.
Depends if your going to be in a city jail, or county. If you're going to county expect nothing, but a lot of standing around and waiting. Waiting to get processed in, waiting to get a cell, finally waiting to go home. If you were only given 14 days you'll be out in about 3 but the last day will be the longest. This will be the case because they'll tell you you're going home at 6 a.m. but not actually release you until about 4pm which sucks! Good luck.
P.S. Arrange in advance for a pick up from the jail when you get out make sure you tell them to expect a weird pick up time. Don't bring any money- because they'll charge you for commissary that would usually be free. At the most bring 75 cents (for the pay phone)
don't bring cell phones, or any items of value or else they might get "lost" in the system.
Don't bring anything. They take everything you bring and return it when you leave. Don't bring cigarettes. Most jails are non-smoking these days. You may want to call and ask before you go in. Don't make trouble, but don't take anyones crap, either. If someone starts a fight with you, don't let that person just hit on you. Defend yourself! You get more respect from the others inside if you try to just be yourself, and stay away from trouble. 14 days is not long, just be strong and it will go fast.
bubba gonna run one in ya!!!!!!
Not sure, but I'll pray for you, K!
Avoid having to ask this question. Going to jail is not a joke.
Call AAA.
All jail systems are different on what they allow. I would call and verify what is allowed. Then I would have someone else call a different area of the jail system if possible because there tends to be a variance in what one is told in these situations. For sure have a list of phone numbers memorized. Would not be a bad idea to fall behind on sleep a little in the few days prior to turning yourself in.
socks and underwear . bring money for the commissary. they will not let you bring in things for personal use. you could always call to confirm.
In Nevada, you can not bring anything with you, not even money. Other people have to put money on your books for you. If you checked in to jail with money, they would take it and keep it until you were released and make you sign for it to get it back. You can bring no personal items, not even your own socks and underwear. They take all jewelry that you wear in and keep it until you get out. They take the clothes and shoes that you wore in and put them in a big, leather bag that stinks like body odor and fear, and give you some of their ill-fitting clothes and shoes to wear, and underwear, and socks. Give you a small tube of toothpaste and a tiny plastic comb and small bar of soap. My advice, bring your best spirit and your patience. Don't let it get you down, just deal with it, and whatever you did to have to go there, don't do it again.

What should i do??

i shoplift and now i want to return the stuff and im afraid of getting a punishment
Own up to it, and suffer the consequences. What happens to you is out of your control.
Best to come clean, return the goods and face whatever may come.
Owning up to our mistakes is the truest path to forgiveness.
Send it to them via mail or UPS with no return address. for more help with shoplift issues see website below

What should I do?

I am in such a mess! I am living with my parents because I have gone through a divorce, we went bankrupt before our divorce, since then I have a huge pile of medical bills because my ex doesn't provide support or insurance for the kids, I have debts for lawyers because I have tried to enforce his support obligations though I obviously haven't been very successful, so my credit is really bad now. I cannot get a job because I have lost jobs due to being unable to pay daycare or having to leave to pick up my kids. My lawyer just dropped me because I can't pay her. I don't know where to turn and I am at wits end!!
Where do you live? Some countries and states have better programs in place to help single mothers, such as with low-cost daycare, than do others.
Do NOT feel bad about living at home; thank goodness your parents are there to help you through this! Lowering your monthly bills that way will allow you to start slowly rebuilding your credit history. If your parents are amenable, consider getting a night job while the children are asleep at home (in their care) to build some equity.
Visit Consumer Credit Counseling Services, and they will give you some good, free advice on whether you can declare bankruptcy and how you can set up a debt-repayment schedule. Good luck.
You need to leave and start over. If you haven't yet done so, I suggest getting a college degree and moving to Canada. Your bankruptcy and credit rating won't mean a thing if you become a Canadian citizen.
If he was ordered to pay child support and ordered to have medical insurance on your children and hasn't I would contact your attorney general. They will put his happy butt in jail where he can rot for non payment or even take it from his paycheck before he even sees his paycheck. If they dont do anything the first time keep calling never leave them alone and they will finally get tired of you calling and do something about it.
my daughter was in a simular situation and we help her out..she gave us temporary custody of the kids and enlisted in the was the best choice that could have made..she's out of debt and enjoys the military..only you can decide
Ok, start by taking a deep breath and let's look at this one point at a time.
You have filed bankruptcy and your credit is bad now. That's not a terrible thing for you right now, since bad credit means no credit cards, and credit card debt is the last thing you need.
You have insurance and attorney bills because your ex is not living up to his obligations. You could sue, but you have no money for a lawyer. I advise you to contact your county legal bar association or the state bar, who can put you in touch their legal aid society. These are attorneys who help people with little or no money (you seem to qualify) and they will get the necessary court orders. They can also pursue contempt proceedings against him if doesn't comply.
But this guy sounds like a dead beat, so don't hold your breath either way. What you need to try to do right now is find some kind of emplyment that you can work from home. Contact employment and temp agencies in your area and see what they have. You might be surprised.
The other possibility is, if you're parents are willing to help, is for you to work nights, while the kids are (hopefully) sleeping. This is will create a minimum problem for your parents and while you'll be sleeping during the day, the oldest two look like they'll be in school at least part of the time. This could work until you're back on your feet.
Good luck to you!
First thing is to focus and take stock of the situation.
You need to calm down and pull yourself together. Get to church and put in a prayer request for yourself that you can find employment. For now, look for part-time work, and leave the kids with the grandparents.

What should i do?

my dad died leaving no will and no life insurance and me and my sister are heirs to the estate. I am unemployed and my sister is a stay at home mom and is in a middle of a divorce and we don't have much money and our probate is costing us at least 5,000$ just to grant administrators that is all. what can i do to make this cost less? fire the probate and do it myself. my dad only had not much money for savings and not much in his 401 k. what am i going to do?
If it is a small estate, your state should have a form you can file with the Surrogates Court to handle it in a much easier manner. Do a web search for small estates in your state.
Find a 'pro Bono' attorney, (if you can). Good luck

What should I do, when my employer adjusts my time cards after I turn them in?

You need to start making a copy of your time card. That way, you will have proof when this happens again. I used to do that at my old job. You are allowed to do this so don't let them bully you and tell you that you cannot.
Make photocopies. Turn them in to the labor dept. That is illegal. Pax- C
Call the Labor Board in you State.
report him/her, that is illegal
Sue him for sexual harrassment- watch him cave in like a puppy dog
That happened to me once. My manager would something deletes hours from my pay check. The thing i would do is go to the top boss. Hes just a manager so i want to the director and tell him whats going on and he fixed it and had a talk with the manager and that kind of thing never happened again
if it's to your benefit, thank him. if it's to your detriment, go tell his boss, or human resources.
My employer also does this - I will be watching for what you choose as best answer- thanks for asking
Keep your own records. Talk to the accounting person if there is one and follow the paper trail. I believe it is against the law, especially if you're being paid by the hour!
make a photocopy for your records, then ask to see your time card and confront him, then contact a labor lawyer.
Turn her or him in. If you have proff, you can go over that persons head and complain. Just make sure you have the proff.
If you get the same amount of hours, pay for the work done, then there shouldn't be a huge issue, but if he's stiffing you from pay and for work you actually and successfully did, then you may have something to think about: namely, quitting or reporting him or talking to him. Not sure, tough one because you're never sure if there is a valid reason behind to him first, check your state's (and federal) employment laws, and if something is still fishy, talk to a lawyer I guess.
Ask your employer how they would like them filled out so the adjustment is not necessary.of course only if they are going to let you take time off to make up for the extra hours or some other arrangement that is to your satisfaction. This is only if you want to remain employed there of course. Working sucks, but I DON'T do it for free.
You report it directly to the Board of Wages and Hours. I suggest you take pictures of the time card. If you can get previous time cards, photograph those as well. Take those photos with you when you file the report.
Use it to your advantage. Quietly make copies, get a few weeks of evidence so it's not just a one time accident. Keep duplicate copies at home. Then you will have him right where you want him. Most likely if he's the usual jerk of a boss, you'll want to let the labor board confront him..

What should I do with this unemployment issue?!?

June 1st was my last day from job A and I finished moving 3 hours north to my new home after work. We left on OK terms. He was kind of upset I was leaving bc I was a good employee. Regardless, I started a new full time job B on the following Monday, June 4th. I was doing very well there until I was terminated bc someone stole $300 from my bank. Two weeks later, they were terminated after they caught them red handed. The day I got terminated from Job B, I filed unemployment. Because I got fired they had to investigate it, and two weeks ago got a statement saying that my determination from Job B is granting me benefits, however it was being held bc of another issue, which ended up being Job A. Now, today I get a letter in the mail saying Im not getting benefits because I moved and had to quit job A. Which really confuses me because that isn't the reason I had to file unemployment in the first place. Someone please explain to me why this is happening and what I can do to appeal it.
OK, just because you were working, does not mean you qualify for unemployment benefits.
They have rules, such as:
Minimum hours worked in the last year
Minimum time spent on last job
Whether you left voluntarily
Whether you were fired for cause
and others.
What it sounds like to me, is you left your job A voluntarily.
( which would mean you cannot draw unemployment from the time you worked there. )
You were terminated from job B, for cause, but further investigation, reveled that the cause, wasn't reasonable.
( IE: they caught the real crook )
So then they look to see if you could draw unemployment based on your time at job B.
But since you didn't work there long enough to qualify for unemployment,
Your benefits were denied.
Basicly, by quiting job A, you erased all rights to unemployment benefits for the time you worked at job A.
And you had not worked for job B long enough to qualify for unemployment benefits.
What you should do, is ask job B to rehire you, since you were wrongly terminated.
Evidently they agree you were wrongly terminated, because they determined you should get to collect unemployment benefits.
You could also sue job B for wrongly terminating you, but only if you ask for your job back and they decline.
You could probally still sue job B for the lost wages from the time you were wrongly terminated, untill the time they rehire you.
Of course, that probally wouldn't set well with the manegement of JOB B, and would probally make your working experience bad from that point on.
So to boil it down:
Ask JOB B to rehire you.
If you get rehired, then approach job b about compensation for lost wages, do to the wrongful discharge.
Who knows, they might hire you back and pay back wages.
I think you need to see an attorney who is expierienced with employment laws . dont hesitate to do this cause some employers need to learn that they cannot just fire ppl at the drop of a hat . good luck .
Get a lawyer. I think you should be entitled to your benefits, but anytime you get fired I've heard it's hard to get unemployment. But your case is different. They caught the other person red-handed. Is there any possibility you can get job B back?
Please go the EEOC link below. They will answer your questions ACCURATELY! And they will have a contact number for you to call if needed.
It has to do with the way umemployment works; in most states unemployment is based on what your earning were during the the the past 18 months of employment and your employers during the past 18 months are consulted with as if the claim in found valid, you willl be drawing on umemployment from the insurance fund they paid into during that period of time (if your claim is paid, their insurance rates go up). Your prior employer disputed the claim as you left voluntarily.
You can dispute the findings as current employer with the unemployment office that terminated although you accepted the job in good faith, relocated, was terminated without just cause as it has now been determined that someone else shorted the drawer and your prior employer is too far away for you to commute even if they did offer you a job.
Most states have a one week waiting period and the most it sounds like you will be entitled to is 2 weeks of umemployment.

What should i do with my business?

Well here is the issue. My family owns a gas station in New York and we ran into a big mess 6 months ago. Some idiot backed up into one of the pumps causing one of the pipes to break. When the company (Getty) came to repair the pipe they ended up completly breaking the pipe and causing nearly 3,000 gallons of gasoline to go into the ground a sweage. They ended up closing the entire street down for clean up. Well we suffered major business loss and the pumps where forced to be taken down for soil digging. They tore down the pumps and had to filter out the gas from the ground. Well its been 4 months and we have been waiting for them to rebuild the pumps. We are making barely making enough with just the convienant store we have with the gas station and couldn't wait for the pumps to be built. Well a getty represntative comes to us today and tells us that they are not building any pumps for us and that they are not paying us anything for the bussiness loss.
Hire an attorney. Depending on the laws of your state, city or country, amongst other issues, it sounds like Getty has to do something, either repair or reimburse.
Lots of different factors: such as are you a franchisee, an independent contractor, employee, etc...and what is written in any agreement between you and Getty.
I hope you got the original idiot's contact information, as he is also liable for the damage, in my non-legal opinion.
Get an attorney and be guided accordingly.
Sounds like you need a good attorney.
at what point is your family going to hire an attorney to file suit against Getty AND the person who caused the original damage?
I would hire an attorney and sue Getty.
You should have hired an attorney from the get go! The longer you wait, the more money you lose! There's also deadlines for legal filing! Evidence that will be lost! The Statute of Limitations!
Why is it that they refuse to reimburse you? Surely they give you a reason? I can't examine your case unless you provide both sides of the story.
File a suit against the company and the person that messed up the pump in the first place. You can also contact someone in your area the specializes in Government grants and see if they can help get you a grant to bring your business up again.
Sue the h=== outa Getty, and the (motorist) who backed over the pump. They owe you $200,000 plus lost business.
KrazyKyngeKorny(Krazy, not stupid)

What should I do to sue a driver with a revoked driver license that crashed me?

He said he was going to take care of the problem, but it's been two weeks, and nothing has been solved. Plus, the car he was driving wasn't his. I wrote down all the information provided by him. How long more should I wait?
If you have valid information, you are not screwed. Most states have a one or two year statute of limitations on filing a claim for damages in car accidents. The proper procedure to follow is to call your insurance company and tell them about the accident, and give them all the information the driver gave you. The insurance company must take it from there. They will investigate the claim, contact the owner of the vehicle and if relevant the owner's insurance company. The driver, while responsible, is not the primary. The owner is. So if the owner is insured, the status of the driver is just irrelevant.
Now, you have some problems. If there is no police report, you cant get one. You can file a complaint with the police in some places, in others they will not take a report from you when the accident happened a few weeks ago. Your insurance company will tell you how to go about doing that in your jurisdiction.
If the driver or owner cannot be found, or if they do not have insurance, you can put a claim into your own insurance company if you have "uninsured/underinsured" coverage. That's a last resort, but it will fix your car. Your rates can go up depending upon your driving record.
This is general information by the way. States have different insurance laws, police procedures etc. Best place to start is with your insurance company though.
Good luck.
Get a lawyer today.
you should not have waited. You need to turn all of his information into your insurance and let them deal with that aspec of it. You should also make sure if you haven't already, make a police report. NEVER EVER just rely on someone who hit you to take care of it. Now it may be to late. People lie about stuff like that so that you won't call the police etc.. because they don't wnt to get into trouble for not having insurance and they don't want to turn it into their insurance because it will raise their insurance rate. Now you have put yourself in a jam. For all you know he could have claimed you hit him and gave up your tag # etc.. trying to cover for the car he was driving which didn't belong to him. Call your insurance asap. If you don't have any you may be screwed, but you also need to make a police report asap..
You should leave this up to your car insurance company. That's why you pay them your premium.
Yea, never trust a guy who has no license and gets into an accident with someone else's car. You shoulda known he was lying, girl!
Get a lawyer right away ... there are a lot who will take a personal injury and auto accident case with no money down.
I wouldnt wait any longer than you have . I would pass his details onto the police and let them deal with it. As from personal experience know that nothing will happen unless the police get involved
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