
Saturday, October 31, 2009

What should I expect when reporting to jail for a fourteen day sentence?

This will be my first time in jail.
Anything i should bring or not bring?
Call the jail and ask how many pairs of underwear you are allowed to bring. The underwear will probably need to be white, not colored. (Some inmates have used the dye in colored underwear to make tattoo ink, therefore many jails have banned colored unders. Seriously.)
If you do not bring your own underwear, you might have to purchase it from the commissary, and it will be a lot more expensive.
If you don't bring underwear, there may be some available that has been donated to the jail for prisoners who don't have any when the are processed in. I wouldn't count on that though. The best bet is to take your own, after calling the jail to find out what you can take. They might allow you up to 48 hours after in-processing where you can have someone bring you allowable unders, but that depends on the facility.
Other than that, if you have any medications or special needs, you might want to take those items in case you can use those while you are there. Jails have medical officers, but they won't give you brand-name medicine if a generic is available, even if your doctor prescribed the brand name. They will give you the cheapest option for the medication.
Like I said, the best bet is to cal the jail or Sheriff's department and ask.
Soap on a rope
Don't drop the soap
Don't bring anything. They supply everything.
Anything you do bring will be confiscated and returned to you when you leave.
You can't bring anything. You should expect hell.
They will furnish all you need. And that ain't much. If you smoke and they allow it, bring them.
Depends if your going to be in a city jail, or county. If you're going to county expect nothing, but a lot of standing around and waiting. Waiting to get processed in, waiting to get a cell, finally waiting to go home. If you were only given 14 days you'll be out in about 3 but the last day will be the longest. This will be the case because they'll tell you you're going home at 6 a.m. but not actually release you until about 4pm which sucks! Good luck.
P.S. Arrange in advance for a pick up from the jail when you get out make sure you tell them to expect a weird pick up time. Don't bring any money- because they'll charge you for commissary that would usually be free. At the most bring 75 cents (for the pay phone)
don't bring cell phones, or any items of value or else they might get "lost" in the system.
Don't bring anything. They take everything you bring and return it when you leave. Don't bring cigarettes. Most jails are non-smoking these days. You may want to call and ask before you go in. Don't make trouble, but don't take anyones crap, either. If someone starts a fight with you, don't let that person just hit on you. Defend yourself! You get more respect from the others inside if you try to just be yourself, and stay away from trouble. 14 days is not long, just be strong and it will go fast.
bubba gonna run one in ya!!!!!!
Not sure, but I'll pray for you, K!
Avoid having to ask this question. Going to jail is not a joke.
Call AAA.
All jail systems are different on what they allow. I would call and verify what is allowed. Then I would have someone else call a different area of the jail system if possible because there tends to be a variance in what one is told in these situations. For sure have a list of phone numbers memorized. Would not be a bad idea to fall behind on sleep a little in the few days prior to turning yourself in.
socks and underwear . bring money for the commissary. they will not let you bring in things for personal use. you could always call to confirm.
In Nevada, you can not bring anything with you, not even money. Other people have to put money on your books for you. If you checked in to jail with money, they would take it and keep it until you were released and make you sign for it to get it back. You can bring no personal items, not even your own socks and underwear. They take all jewelry that you wear in and keep it until you get out. They take the clothes and shoes that you wore in and put them in a big, leather bag that stinks like body odor and fear, and give you some of their ill-fitting clothes and shoes to wear, and underwear, and socks. Give you a small tube of toothpaste and a tiny plastic comb and small bar of soap. My advice, bring your best spirit and your patience. Don't let it get you down, just deal with it, and whatever you did to have to go there, don't do it again.

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