I know that the US has very different gun laws to that of Australia - where I am - but I'm sure that there is another country with a similar gun law and i can't remember which it was
i think switzerland has similar , and im sure other **** holes like in the middle east and afric would not care if you had a gun
What laws do you mean?
We have about 24,000 gun laws here in the USA, and the bad guys all have guns. Funny, but the states with the lax gun laws have the least crime, while the most crime occurs in the states with the strictest gun laws. Look at Washington DC crime rates,for instance, or Chicago's.
Is it true that gun crimes in Australia have sky-rocketed since all of the law-abiding citizens turned in their firearms?
Last time I checked neither Washington DC nor Chicago were States, that aside I think US gun laws are pretty inique, Switzerland certainly does not have any similarity in this respect.
Russia has gun laws that are like the U.S., First you need a doctor to verify that you are not crazy. Then you apply for a permit and after they check to be sure you aren't a felon and then you buy your gun.
In South Africa I had a permit to carry a gun .Just had to verify I wasn't a criminal.
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