
Saturday, October 24, 2009

What should I do If I found our national flag in hoised state at night ?

you do not specify which national flag yours is??
i am going to assume your indian though because of your name and the way you set the question- please excuse if im wrong on that!
the indian flag code states:
''where the Flag is displayed in open, it should, as far as possible, be flown from sunrise to sunset, irrespective of weather conditions;''
this decoded basically means that it should not be flown at night whether there is a light or not,
if you find a flag that belongs to somebody ese that is being flown at night you could kindly request them not to
also it is my understanding the flag code is taken very seriously in india and you can be arrested for breaking it
so if the people dont conform to the flag code you could report it to the police

in US flag code the US flag is permitted to fly at night provided there is a light but quite a number of Americans forget that doing this on a regular basis will make their flag become tatty quicker- it is only meant to be done on special occasions and on those flags the US Government has permitted to fly all hours
in England here we do not have a flag code but the majority of flags i see are taken down at night
I would hoise the person down who hoised it.
I would agree.
"Hoise them"..
Nothing. If its lit, its legit.
Aye!! Hoise them..
Fall on your sword to avoid any other dishonor.
It is okay to fly the flag at night as long as a light shines on it. If there is not light, you can complain, but in this day and age, the owner would probably flip you off and slam the door in your face. There is not pride in the USA anymore.
Depends on the situation. If it's an individual home owner, that person/s may be elderly, or disabled,and have trouble taking it in. Proudly displaying our flag is better than not to me, as is someone saying they're a 'nam vet, and they're not. At least word will pass around of us, when we're gone.
as long as it's not in the dark - no problem.
do they have lights on it ?
The flag may be flown at night if lighted.
It may not be flown in the rain (not just a matter of the color fastness but of respect), at night unlighted, when tattered or by anybody who is unamerican enough to support the bush gang.
when a flag is hoisted at night it is okay if there are lights shining upon it or the flagpole it is hoisted upon. whether there is pride in our great nation or not really shouldn't depend on whether or not the flag is flown during dark or light maybe the person is trying to symbolize the durability of our nation and its dependability if there were no electricity would we stop HOISTING our flags? I think not.
is allowed to be up if it has light on it and if the weather is not bad, learned it in basic training.
but now a days people don't care. they don't realize what it stands for any more. u wont get in trouble, now if ur talking on a military base well they r defiantly in trouble.

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