I watched an american program lately called 'what should you do?' and there was a scenario of someone choking and it advised that you should not slap them on the back as this can cause the item to become further lodged and that you should just do the (don't know how to spell it) hi-men ik remover straight away. This isin't how I was taught first aid, is this true?
Encourage the casualty to cough to remove the object, if no success bend them over and give up to 5 sharp back slaps between the shoulder blades with the heel of your hand. If the casualty is still chocking give up to 5 abdominal thrusts from behind. Repeat the process until the object comes out, you get it out, or until professional help arrives.
Heimlich Maneuver for the WIN. =OOO
its always good to try the hymen remover.
my grandma must have taught you first aid. The slap to the back hasn't been used in years
Call 991
The Heimlich maneuver is the prefered method of clearing an obstructed airway.
The new version of first aid calls for 5 blows to the back then the Heimlich This is a new change so everyone will tell you no don't do that because that's how it was taught for years
They do use slapping on the back today, but you are suppose to bend the person choking over and then hit them. But most people use the Heimlich Maneuver.
First of all its called the heimlich manuver second of all slapping a person on the back will most likely make the object get even more stuck so dont do that.
So if you do come a across a person choking you should never do anything at first. If they can cough just tell them to keep coughing. the might get the object out by them self. if their not able to make and sounds at all. then you need to perform he heimlich manuver. if that doesnt work then youll have to cpr. hope this never happens but good luck any way!!
Depends on who it is...if it is a liberal.I laugh and tell them to ask their terrorist friends to help.
PS.you only slap them on the back if their airway is clogged...and only do the Heimlich maneuver if clogged as well.if they have air exchange you DO NOTHING but call for medical help...
Heimlich manoeuvre.
encourage the person to cough. this can remove the object in case of partial blockage.
if the person is incapable of coughing (full bockage), give abdominal thrusts until the object is removed (chest thrusts for obese person/ pregnant women).
for more info, check out:
It is called the Heimlich Maneuver. You don't do back blows for adults only children. If they are choking you would stand behind the conscious adult, wrapping your arms around his or her waist. With one hand, make a fist. Place the thumb side of the fist against the victim's abdomen just above the bellybutton and perform abdominal thrusts.
give em the old Heimlich manoeuvre! it worked in Mrs Doubtfire! lol
first answer was right. i had to use it to save my child. there is two kinds. one for children a swift blow to the back but you hand the child sorta upside down,,,,, and the hands around the tummy routine. go learn more at www.medlineplus.gov knowing it save my daughters life as a baby she is now in her 20's//
Whoever taught you first aid, must not have recently been taught themselves how it is done.
It is possible that your teachers learned their trade 50-100 years ago, then never got updated to the latest medical solutions. If so, that is an extremely serious and dangerous problem with your educcational system.
Medical people are required to get themselves recertified on a regular basis, so they know about new treatments, new medicines, etc. For someone to be teaching first aid based on the know how of 50-75 years ago, that is serious negligence ... you need to report that to the medical authorities of your nation.
Here are some links to details about the Heimlich Maneuver
1- call 911 ; give quick details, leave phone on.
2- Heimlich maneuver .
3- CPR if needed.
No training ? pray.
[get red cross training .]
If they are small children you can pick them up by their ankles and hold them up side down can sometimes help as well.
When I received a CPR certification about 10 years ago, I was told that (assuming the choking victim is standing) you should first bend him over and THEN give a few slaps to the back. By having him in the bent-over position, you don't have to worry about the food becoming lodged further down the windpipe. Then you try the heimlich manuever if that doesn't work. Although once when I was a kid, a guy was choking in a restaurant and a friend of his saved him by simply punching him hard in the stomach and the piece of food flew right out his mouth and across the room. He then vomited afterwards so maybe that wasn't the best technique, but I'm sure he didn't complain.
the heimlich maneuver is the best way as it forces air out and (hopefully) expels the object, slap on the shoulder does not do this. My training was by first aid instructors in military