
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What would be a "con" for the use of video cameras in police cars?

I have to write a paper on this... but I am more for it and I really can not think of a reason why we wouldn't put video cameras in police cars. They act as an unbiased third 'person', and it protects both the police and the suspect.
Your thoughts are appreciated.
The only thing I can think of, is being pulled over by a bad cop who just wants to ruin your life or has a "hit" on you, it would be harder to shoot him and go on with life.
Also, another thought...
We all know black people all look the same, so the wrong black person could easily be misidentified, say running from the car, especially with the low resolution that those cameras have. (I'm not a racist, by the way)
The video could become available to the public, and no court seems to care about the embarrassment, on top of the fines and ruling that would incur
when they get out to take a leak and forget to turn it off :)
The only con I can think of would be the infringement on innocent people's privacy, i.e. videotaping bystanders without their permission.
Most stores, for example, have to say "Videotaping in progress" or "CCTV" or whatever so that the customers don't sue for invasion of privacy.
In order for innocent bystanders who don't want to be videotaped to avoid being recorded, police would have to have a sign on their cruiser that says "Videotaping in progress" so that people would know that they might unexpectedly show up on one of those police chase videos.
It never has occurred to me to be a problem, but it could be viewed as a negative standpoint. Good luck with your paper.
Great question. I'm totally for them too. It is hard to come up with a good 'con' that doesn't sound completely paranoid about being filmed. I'm drawing a complete blank. Good luck with your paper.

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