
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What will you sentense these murderers if they are caught?,2933,2923...
They did not have to kill these good kids!!
I'd say "an eye for an eye."
I'll sentence them to a picnic at central park
I say that if you kill someone, then you too shall lose your life!! That is awful that people can just take the lives of someone and not feel anything!! The world would be a lot better off without murderers and psychos!!
I will not sentence anyone -- it's not my place to.
In the USA, we have a trial for any defendant who pleads not guilty. A jury of his/her peers will listen to the evidence presented in court and then listen to the judge's instructions. The jury will then determine guilt or innocence. If the defendant is found guilty, then the judge will sentence the convicted person in accordance with the laws for the crime he or she is found guilty of.
With that said, if you believe that murder is wrong, then you cannot advocate murder. If we charge the defendant with murder then we cannot turn around and murder him with impunity. The proper sentence for a murderer is life imprisonment without parole in a maximum security prison with hard labor for life. No cable TV, no fancy meals, nothing but backbreaking work for hours on end.
Everyone needs to remember that violence begets violence. When you sentence someone to death, he sits on Death Row for over a decade. Free to kill anyone else (prison guards, trustees, someone in prison for robbery, the warden, visitors, etc...) without any additional punishment.
In other words, everyone else he kills is a "freebie" because you've already sentenced him to death. If you no longer want a violent society, you must stop acting violently!
Capital punishment is absolutely no deterrant to murder. We have the death penalty and yet people kill each other over %26 over again. It's time to stop the madness. Prisons needs to go back to being a prison, a place where NO ONE wants to go because it is so awful. There will be your true deterant.
Death, no doubt about it
life imprisonment.
If there were ever a case where the death penalty was warranted, this would be the one.
At this point, all i am concerned about is bringing these kids justice and finding the evil POS that did it!
My prayers are with the family.
Is it just me or does it seem like the murder rate in the US has gone out of control?
Silly question. ALL MURDERERS SHOULD RECEIVE THE DEATH PENALTY QUICKLY! Maybe such an extreme response will slow such a crime.
You're exactly right. Eye for an Eye. But not shoot them close range and make it quick. Put them on death row and tell them the date that they are going to die. No plea bargain, no pushing back the date nothing. That way, everyday when they wake up they think, 'only 32 more days to live' and so on. And then, right before their death, the other prisoners should just kick their a$s and kill them. So they suffer.
How ANYONE can read that story and not support the death penalty I'll never be able to understand. The same goes for pedophiles.
Capital Punishment is the deterrant that keeps crime from happening.
With the massive amount of hard evidence we can collect in this day and age, fingerprints, DNA, hair, blood, pictures, videotape, etc, I think we should go back to public hangings. (only for the absolutely, without a doubt guilty murderers and rapists.) They should broadcast them on TV on every channel.
"Tonight at 9, the execution of 4 murderers and 3 rapists"
Tie them to a stake and they recieve the firing squad...but then again, that would be a waste of good lead!
I would sentence them to listen.
These murderers would be sentenced to face the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends one at a time. They have to listen to these victims talk about how this murder of their loved one affected them. They listen to them yell, shame, cry or question these murderers. They have to listen for as long as they have words to say or the need to say them.
These killers would have to listen, absorb and know each of their victims. They would be sentenced to looking at their pictures, accomplishments and memories. After they memorize this information and know it verbatum, they then have to write stories, or essays about what these dead children might have done with their lives. They have to write and rewrite these essays until these essays satisfy the victim's parents.
I would sentence them to having to know their living victims very well. They have to know each person and how they relate to the murder victim. Then, knowing everything they are allowed to know, they have to write individual, extended apologies to each and every person who mattered to these children or who were affected by the murders.
After that, make them face school children in their communities using closed circuit TV. They have to face the children across their communities and listen to what they have to say about killing these kids. Let the kids have their say to these murderers. The killers have to answer every one of their questions completely and honestly.
I would sentence them to lecture arrested gang members on ethics and morals.
And then finally, they are sentenced to listen to their own families. They are sentenced to spending time with their own parents, grandmothers and family members who will tell them what THEY think of their behaviors and what they've done to their own families. They have to write an apology to every member of their own family.
This project would be made into a book called the "Murder and Healing." All proceeds would be distributed to the families of the victims.
I would sentence them to listen. If they were given a choice, I wonder if they would choose death over listening?

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