I called the police during an arguement my husband and I were having.When they got here he wasn't here and I told them we were arguing and he threw the phone at me and it hit my eye.I had a black eye.They went to look for him and when they came back I told them I didn't want to talk to them anyfurther and I was fine.No police report was filed or pics taken.This was in May.A policeman came to my door today and asked me about it.I told him we were just arguing and I called..it was settled before they came back so I decided not to file a report.He asked if I had a black eye,I told him no it was just a small cut that was scabbed over because I'd had it for a few days.. What's going on?What was the point of this visit?What will they probably do now?
now that you called it's out of your hands.
the D.A. can move forward with this case without your help.
your husband may be charged and prosecuted.
they were probably just following up to see if more abuse had occured before closing and filing the case.
since no photo evidence or testimony from you is available there is no case.
i hope your husband apologised.
You shouldn't jerk the cops around like that.
They are probably doing you a favor, and it is some kind of social welfare person making sure you are not being habitually abused or intimidated. They are just doing their job. If your husband is not abusing you tell them them that.
Otherwise, never call the police unless it is a serious situation and you want him arrested. I see so many times on these cops shows, the husbands are beating on the wives. the wives call the cops and then tell the husband "I called the cops, you'd better run away" then the cops come, he's not there and they leave. Then the husband comes back and starts beating on her again. Not very smart is it? Best luck.
You likely have a zero tolerance policy where you live which means they can prosecute whether you want them to or not.
That does not mean that they will but that they can. They were probably fishing for more information to see whether they should proceed or not.
A report was indeed filed. What you mean is you didn't press charges. What you probably don't know is that the victim doens't have to press charges for charges to be filed. The followup was for the cops to determine if they need to file charges with the DA for assault and domestic violence.
It happens a lot, that a woman is hit by her partner and then decides to not get them in trouble, but (thankfully) now, the laws have changed, and the cops have to report something and at least try to investigate all possibilities before they drop it.
That being said, it is kinda weird that they would come back months later instead of like, the next day. Just don't be surprised if the DA or a prosecutor contacts you and charges are filed anyway.
I have never heard of them coming back on a domestic call ? That is odd. The first thing I would do is verify his credentials and confirm what the next step will be.
They were just checking on you. But you are like most women who will scream police but don't want the ba$tard locked up. It will happen again, that is a guarantee, so what are you going to do about it. You better be making your plans now. find out where the shelters are at, have a secret bank account so you have access to funds. The police are your last worry, from where I sit.
This type of thing happens all the time. I thought your laws were designed for zero tolerance in domestic violence and the police were required to make an arrest.
The police were probably doing a follow up to make sure you were ok.
I don'i know what will be the next step. Perhaps to charge you with mischeif for your 911 call.
they were stopping by to see if you changed your mind about filing charges, and if you are ok
It could be anything. For instance, a supervisor trying to see why there was no follow up, to see if the patrol cops are doing their job. It could be a social service type call, to see if this is going to be recurring. It could be to see if you had changed your mind. There is one person who knows, and that is the cop who came to your door. Give him a call and ask. Anyone else can only speculate.
it's very possible that they were just following up with you to see if you needed any help.
they can't/won't do anything unless you file a report. if you don't, then they can't get your husband on battery charges.
they were probably coming by to see if you needed help b/c sometimes abuse victims (not sayign that you are one), but often times abuse vicitms will rescind statements and the like b/c they fear their abuser.
they we prob just checking up on your safety.GOOD JOB COPS!
take care:)
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