
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What to expect in court for $580 in embezzlement charges?

I am a single mother of 3, was in a relationship with an alcoholic (I finally had the courage to leave him), and my children's fathers never pay child support. I found myself in a real bind while working at a department store and couldn't even afford gas to get back and forth to work. I stole $580 over a period of 4 months and got caught. I had to turn myself in and now I have to go to court for 6 counts of misdemeanor embezzlement. I am so scared of going to jail. I have no prior record, not even so much as a traffic ticket! I got a new job and I have paid back $130 to the department store so far. I don't know what to expect in court. I don't even know if I'm supposed to hire an attorney or represent myself. I am lost and need some advice please!
boo-hoo... do the crime... do the time...
if you did not get caught... how much would you have embezzled by now...
I think they should just lock you up and throw the key away you freeloading piece of crap.
If you do the crime, you do the time, I agree with him, BUT I do understand that somtimes you get desperate. I mean, you did steal from your company, BUT it wasn't that much, just a little over 100 a month, you should set up an appointment with a good attorney in your town, talk with them on it, and look at what the maximum time will be for you charges. With a previous clean record, and the circumstances, I don't see you doing time, but expect to pay fines that are MUCH higher than what you stole, a tack on your record, and probably a lot of community service. There are non-profit organizations everywhere that helps single mothers in times of need, set a good example for your children, and don't steal anymore. Take this as a lesson learned. Good luck!
Sorry the answers below are so negative. Here's some real advise: (1) hire an attorney - only a fool represents him/herself; (2) make full restitution before you face the judge - one should improve one's position before being judged and sentenced; and (3) expect probation but be prepared for a short sentence in prison. Make arrangements for the care of your children in case you are sentence to 30 days or 3 months.
Having been to prison for embezzlement, I do understand what you're facing. However, every choice has a consequence. They can be negative or positive. You're facing the negative side of your consequences...make the right choices and face the right side.
I'm not going to beat up on you.
You did take the easy way out.
You did not give yourself enough options.
Remember the pregnant mother, who was delivering newspapers and got murdered. So nowadays people aren't going to have very much sympathy for you...
If they are going to do something drastic to you, they will appoint an attorney to your case.
They may look at you paying $130 back as a trick in trying to get out of being caught, looking for sympathy because you got caught. Where was the $130 before you went trick or treating in your employers cash box?
They may take in consideration that you've never been trouble prior..but it depends on the snotty judge.
Telling them the reasons you've stated here, normally doesn't work. But let your attorney cry for you. Then sometimes the judge will say "Bullshit" and levy more fines for court cost, probation and community service.
Employers are getting tough on crime. They are prohibiting employees from taking things even from the trash now.
Good Luck. And give yourself options...child support, social services, then a work at home extra job on the computer. Or walk someone dog, wash windows and cars.
Better yet. go to school Online. They will give you a government grant. this way you can get a higher paying job.

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